Ubisoft outlines Trials Rising’s expansion pass and free post-launch content plans • Eurogamer.net


Trials Rising is but mere weeks away from release on Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC – and Ubisoft has seized the occasion to share details on the motorcycle platformer’s expansion pass and post-launch plans.

Developer RedLynx’s long-running Trials series is taking a bit of a back-to-basics approach this time around, with Rising ditching the sci-fi flourishes of Trials Fusion in favour of comparatively more down-to-earth courses set around the likes of the Grand Canyon, the Eiffel Tower, and Mount Everest. Trials Rising’s expansion pass will apparently increase these real-world-inspired locations still further, introducing 55 additional tracks across the US and Southern Hemisphere.

Trials Rising’s expansion pass will ultimately provide access to two “major” content expansion and two customisation packs. The first expansion, titled Trials Rising Sixty Six, is, as you’ve probably already surmised, set along Route 66. It introduces new tracks, new Contracts, and American football-themed cosmetics in the form of a helmet, shirt, trousers, and cleats.

Expansion number two is titled Trials Rising Crash & Sunburn, and includes tracks ranging from the “jungle-covered mountains of Peru to the icy region of Antarctica”. It also features new challenges, two new bikes, and an explorer-themed outfit. Rounding out the expansion pass are the Samurai Item pack and Stuntman Item Pack, bringing new customisation options and, in the case of the latter, a new bike to parp around on.

There are no release dates for any of the above, but the season pass, should you be interested, is included along with the base game as part of the Trials Rising Gold Edition (costing around £33.99). Presumably it’ll be available to purchase separately too.

For those simply keen to enjoy the game they’ve already paid for, without needing to spend additional money to enjoy it more, there’s good news: Ubisoft is also planning a live programme of free post-launch seasons and special events.

Weekly challenges will present new objectives that reward players with in-game currency and limited-time prizes, while four competitive Seasons will grant access to new poses, animations, and bike and rider customisation items.

Trials Rising is coming to Switch, Xbox One, PS4, and PC on February 26th.

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