Warframe’s Nightwave is a new series of pirate-radio-themed limited-time events • Eurogamer.net


Developer Digital Extremes has launched Nightwave, Warframe’s new series of pirate-radio-themed, Battle-Pass-style limited-time events – available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC.

Nightwave, which replaces Warframe’s previous Alerts system, takes the form of different story-driven Series, each playing out over the course of several weeks. Series are tied together by broadcasts from pirate radio station Nightwave, presented by Nora Night (“the eyes and ears of the Origin System”), and the first of these, The Wolf of Saturn, is out now.

By completing daily and weekly challenges – referred to as Acts – throughout a series, players can increase their standing with Nora and raise up the Reward Tiers. Each series will feature 30 tiers, and each tier unlocks limited-time rewards, including power items, exclusive cosmetics, or currency called Wolf Cred. It is, in other words, similar to the Battle Pass systems popularised by the likes of Fortnite and Rocket League, albeit free.

Digital Extremes has posted a chart showcasing all 30 rewards available as part of Series 1, but it also draws particular attention to four specific prizes; two weapons slots are unlocked at Tier 4, and a Wolf Howl Emote is available at Tier 26. Just a little higher, at Tier 29, is the the Umbra Forma, which applies the Umbra polarity to any Warframe or weapon. Finally, the Saturn Six Armor Bundle is earned by hitting Tier 30.

Season 1’s Reward Tiers.

Wolf Cred, incidentally, can be spent at the Nightwave Cred Offerings store. Here it’s possible to use acquired Creds to purchase rewards that were previously available via the old Alerts system, including Nitain Extract, Weapon and Helmet Blueprints, Catalysts, Reactors, and rare Aura Mods. Digital Extremes says it’s possible to earn a total of 300 Wolf Cred by completing a season’s daily and weekly Acts, and that more can be earned via prestige once Tier 30 has been reached. It does note, however, that Creds don’t carry over to the next series, so you’ll want to either spend them or sell them for credits before time runs out.

Nightwave’s Series 1, The Wolf of Saturn, is available now on all platforms.

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