New Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Trailer Shows Off New Pokémon, School Rivalries, Gym Leaders, And More


The Pokémon Company and Nintendo have released a new trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, which hits Switch on Nov. 18. 

After releasing a trailer focused on the competitive play of these upcoming pocket monster games, The Pokémon Company is showing off the wonders of the Paldea region and the treasures that await. The video also features a look at some of the rebellious classmates in the game as well as some of its gym leaders. 

Check it out for yourself below

As you can see, the trailer begins by introducing us to Starfall Street, which is where you’ll be able to face off against unruly students. Those youths are likely a part of Team Star, the local school troublemakers. This team seems to be categorized by type because as the trailer progresses, we meet Mela, the boss of “Team Star’s Fire Crew.” Presumably, there’s at least a Water Crew and a Grass Crew as well. 

From there, the trailer takes us to the Path of Legends to seek out the “legendary Herba mystica” before giving us a new look at Avra, the upperclassmen and gifted cook revealed in a video earlier last month. Today’s trailer also brings back the familiar face of Nemona, your fellow classmate who is “a trainer who shows you the ropes.” We’re introduced to Klawf, a “stony cliff titan,” Victory Road, the Pokémon League chairwoman Geeta, as well as the grass-type gym leader Brassius. The final “new” thing in this trailer, other than the various glimpses of previously unseen Pokémon, is the reveal of gym tests. It’s unclear how much these play into the full game, but the one shown tasks the player with seeking out various Sunflora around the town of Arzaton. 

You can check out all of these new characters and Pokémon in the screenshot gallery below

What do you think of this trailer? Let us know in the comments below!


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