New Leaks Suggest the Next Helldivers 2 Warbond Will Be Scorching Hot


There has been a lot of drama about the delay of future Warbonds, with players not really sure what they want. On the one hand, regularly getting new content is amazing, but on the other one, a stable game and well-thought-out new items might sound even better.

The developers announced they would be taking more time to focus on the patches and good-quality Warbonds. At the moment of writing this article, it’s been more than a month since Viper Commandos dropped and the players are getting restless. On July 17, new leaks offered a sneak peek at the contents of the new Helldivers 2 Warbond.

Leaks Offer Some Details About a Future Warbond

One devoted Helldiver, ExoticBobcat777, was reportedly checking out the official details of the Viper Commandos Warbond when they stumbled upon something unexpected. This player stated: “Yo did Sony just make a mistake? I think they accidentally leaked the next Warbond with this message? FREEDOM’S FLAME”.

Alongside they posted a picture with all the details. Under the title “Viper Commandos”, the text stated: “Dial up the temperature to cremate our enemies of justice, Helldivers! The Freedom’s Flame Premium Warbond is deploying to your Destroyer’s Acquisitions panel. Includes fiery weapons, life-saving armour, cool capes, fresh emote, player cards, and patterns”.

Screenshot by Game Geeks News via Reddit

Obviously, Helldivers were over the moon. If someone accidentally posted an announcement like this, it must mean the Freedom’s Flame might be dropping very soon. Dark-Cloud666 noted: “Seems like we got a sneak peek at the next warbond. The psychopaths on Hellmire are going to celebrate if we get fire-resistant armor. That and everyone who uses a flamethrower against bugs”.

Helldivers 2 Players Share Their Expectations for the New Warbond

Many players took this opportunity to share their wishes and concerns for the new Warbond. Express_Hamster shared their dream: “I’d love a heavy flame thrower and some 95% resistant light flame armor, 85% resistant medium flame armor, and 75% resistant heavy flame armor”.

One player, kribmeister, stated: “Life-saving armour. I’m so f**king cynical and lower my expectations when it comes to anything with this game but that could easily mean they just have the democracy protects 50-50 resist death perk. Hope it’s fire-resistant though, and a significant resistance too not like 10% or something meaningless”.

Another player, wterrt, explained: “Any armor that offers any protection (even light armor has 50 AP) is technically life-saving armor. It’s a bit redundant and not to be taken as a sign of anything, IMO. A bit like saying “deadly weapons” are in the warbond. Yeah, that’s what weapons are”.

Honestly, we enjoy the hype. It’s been a while since we’ve seen the Helldivers 2 so excited over something. This isn’t the first time leaks revealed a new Helldivers 2 Warbond and by our previous experiences, the Warbond usually dropped within two weeks. Of course, we can never know for sure without an official announcement. Until then we suggest fighting some bots with a shiny new Commando. For democracy.

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