John Wick Game Being Made By Mike Bithell



Well this is a surprise! If you had asked anyone, including Mike Bithell, whether the creator of Thomas Was Alone would be making a John Wick video game, then I think you would get laughed at. But here we are in this brave new reality where the Keanu Reeves-lead action series is not only getting a video game, it is a tactical title written and directed by Bithell.

You can check out the first trailer below.

Not a whole lot is known about the game quite yet. While it is coming to PC and consoles, it will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC, though it’s not clear if that is timed or not. No release date is given either, but Bithell says in a tweet that he has been working on the game for a year so far.

The trailer shows a little bit about the gameplay, giving players multiple options as the eponymous John Wick to do things like take down enemies, shoot them, throw your gun, and likely more depending on context of the situation. It may not be the high-flying third-person shooter people might expect from a John Wick game, but it is difficult to say that it doesn’t look faithful in its own way.

More information is expected about John Wick Hex before too long, possibly at E3 next month.

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