First Run Of Legendary T-Shirts Are Being Added To Travis Strikes Again In February


    Travis Strikes Again JSR IMG

    Earlier this week, the one and only video game designer and director Goichi “Suda51” Suda, revealed the No More Heroes spin-off Travis Strikes Again would include a special t-shirt design from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

    As it’s now been established the selection of tees goes well beyond indie releases, Suda51 has once again taken to Twitter to announce a legendary batch of t-shirts are arriving at some point next month. Alongside this news was a look at the stylish Jet Set Radio t-shirt, based on Sega’s graffiti-tagging inline skate game, first released on the Dreamcast in 2000. Take a look below:

    Yesterday, Grasshopper Manufacture shared a few last minute announcements. The first was a new stage called ‘Serious Moonlight’ based on Shadow of the Damned – a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title released by the developer in 2011, and the second announcement was a ‘Day 7 Patch’ which will add a brand new opening movie to the game.

    Have you played Travis Strikes Again yet? What’s your favourite shirt in the game? Tell us below.

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