Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Player Falls Victim to a Bizarre Sequence of Bugs


An unsuspecting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player falls prey to a series of weird bugs in a match of Shipment, resulting in a hilarious kill cam.

A series of weird bugs in a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 match bore unexpected outcomes for one player, resulting in a hilarious camera perspective where they had a bird’s-eye view of a Killstreak. Bugs and glitches are commonplace in video games, and titles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s scale experience bugs that tend to be bizarre and pose a challenge for even experienced developers.

Upon its initial release in October 2022, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 enjoyed a wave of new and returning Call of Duty players. Many Modern Warfare 2 players especially enjoy the Shipment 24/7 Playlists, where players can play one of Call of Duty‘s most iconic maps without any breaks.

A Reddit user named Human_TM posted a video of themselves experiencing a string of unfortunate events where using a Killstreak causes them to become invisible while witnessing hilarious camera angles in a match of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The video starts with Human_TM using the Chopper Gunner Killstreak, where the assault vehicle promptly plunges into the sea after spawning. As the helicopter blows up, Human_TM’s camera perspective shifts to a corner of Shipment, with the player stuck and invisible, unable to do anything but somehow still getting kills from the Killstreak. Surprisingly, Human_TM calls in additional Killstreaks when the camera perspective shifts to an incoming Mortar shell and switches back to the player, invisible and still stuck in a corner. The clip ends with Human_TM trying to fix the bug by changing loadouts, to no avail.

Just had the most bizarre combination of bugs
by u/Human_TM in ModernWarfareII

Other players have commented on the post, noting the hilarity of the situation, and some even jokingly mentioned that Human_TM became the Killstreak themselves. Several players stated that the bug isn’t new, and others have posted similar accounts, with one player witnessing events from the camera perspective of a grenade instead. Other players have noted that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s performance isn’t up to snuff, even with such a high price tag and regular patches.

Thankfully, this bug seems to be a rare occurrence in Shipment, and with Season 3 bringing new Playlists, it should be even harder to encounter. Players can hope that the developers at Activision have acknowledged this problem and shipped a quick fix in the upcoming patch for Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


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