Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Best SA-B 50 Build


How to make the best snappy SA-B 50.

In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 the SA-B 50 is a Marksman Rifle but has proven to be quite effective in the most unconventional way for that class of weaponry. The High Aim Down Sight Speed and overall quickness of the weapon are proving effective for those who want a powerful one-shot-one-kill snappy headshot shooter.

This weapon may not be used in an intended way for Marksman Rifles but is quite fun if you are looking for a different play style of run and gun rather than sitting in the back of the map sniping enemies as they appear in your sights. You’re bound to be annoying to the enemy with this build.

SA-B 50 Build

The focus of this build is to make this a fast, snappy headshot machine. The attachments focus on Mobility and Handling to make that Aim Down Sight Speed quick enough for you to run around the map and get those up-close headshots before the enemy even knows what’s happening. Be warned, this is a different playstyle build for this weapon but is proving effective in matches.

SlotAttachment NameProsCons
StockXRK Specter ModAim Down Sight Speed
Sprint to Fire Speed
Movement Speed
Hip Recoil Control
Aiming Recoil Control
Aiming Stability
Flinch Resistance
Barrel12.5″ Carbon BarrelAim Down Sight Speed
Movement Speed
Hip Recoil Control
Damage Range
Bullet Velocity
Hip Fire Accuracy
Recoil Control
LaserFSS OLE-V LaserAim Down Sight Speed
Aiming Stability
Sprint to Fire Speed
Laser Visible in Aim Down Sights
Magazine5 Round MagMovement Speed
Aim Down Sight Speed
Sprint to Fire Speed
Reload Quickness
Magazine Capacity
Rear GripSchlager Match GripSprint to Fire Speed
Aim Down Sight Speed
Recoil Control

Remember that this isn’t your typical Marksman Rifle build, and it may take some getting used to the new playstyle in order for this weapon to be as effective and deadly as it is quick. This build has its best qualities in close-up fast Aim Down Sight onto headshots, so with some practice, you’ll master it in no time.


TacticalFlash GrenadeMaking sure you can flash your enemies to either get away or get the drop on them is always a great choice.
LethalThermiteBlocking off your exit or using these to make an enemy come out of cover may be just the thing you need to take them out before they’re aware of what’s happening. A Molotov Cocktail is also a good choice here.
Perk PackagesDouble Time, Scavenger, Fast Hands, and Quick FixTo add to this already very mobile class setup, you will want Double Time to help you get around the map even faster, Scavenger to help you stay up on ammo as you run around, fast hands to help with those long-time Marksman Rifle Reloads, and Quick Fix to regenerate health after every kill in case it was a close one, and you need to keep going to the next opponent.
Field UpgradesPortable Radar and Deployable CoverIt’s always nice to know where the enemy is, so take a Portable Radar with you to help snuff them out, and a Deployable Cover will come in handy when you’re under fire and need some additional cover to retreat or pop out and take them out before you go down.

It may take some time to learn how to play with this setup, but nothing is more infuriating than a player who is using a Marksman Rifle taking out players using shotguns at short range. This build’s highlight is in fast short-range combat, but can still prove useful at medium to long-range.

Since this build focuses on Aim Down Sight Speed, Movement Speed, and Sprint to Fire Speed, the playstyle will look like you making laps around the map and doing your best to drop enemies as quickly as possible with first-shot headshots before they have much time to react. An unconventional, very close-quarters type build, but an absolute blast to sprint around the map and down the enemy team with.


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