“Earning XP doing this is much better than you’d think”
For most of us, killing enemy players is the central mechanic of Call of Duty, but for one Black Ops 6 player, not only has he refused to slay his fellow gamers, but he’s managed to Prestige without getting a single kill, and even has a decent win/loss ratio to boot.
Reddit user u/Pilgore1 made a post earlier this week showing off that he had managed to reach level 55 in order to hit Prestige 1, all the while with a 0.00 K/D. Average kills per game: 0. Highest kills per game: 0. Top weapon: XM4 with 0 kills. Perhaps more shocking than any of these stats is the fact that Pilgore has managed to net a 1.92 win/loss ratio during this strange, self-imposed challenge.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how exactly Pilgore managed to pull it off, and luckily for us, he explained it all in an interview with IGN. In essence, Pilgore plays the entire game like a support class, not once shooting at enemy players and instead choosing to make use of various equipment and upgrades, as well as simply playing the objective.
First things first, he makes use of the Spy Cam and Scrambler Field to get his score up early on in the match, before calling in the UAV, CUAV and HARP scorestreaks when he can, shooting down any enemy scorestreaks as and when they come through. Repeating that in every match, Pilgore has managed to rack up plenty of wins, especially in objective-focused modes like Hardpoint.
This isn’t the first Call of Duty that Pilgore has played the pacifist in, beginning in Black Ops Cold War after joking with a friend that he could Prestige before him without needing to get a single kill. Pilgore enjoyed this style of play so much that he kept it up into Vanguard, Modern Warfare 2 and 3, and now into Black Ops 6.
“I consistently get at least 7,000 score a match”, Pilgore explains, before adding “My tactics haven’t really changed over the years. Experimented with different loadouts but the main gameplay has been the same. Earning XP doing this is much better than you’d think.”
With Prestige 1 out of the way, Pilgore has no plans to stop anytime soon, declaring that he intends to “Keep going until I get a kill or get bored.” Godspeed Pilgore.

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By Alex Raisbeck 17 November 2024