Black Ops 6 fans have blasted the “dumb” change to take faster reloads off the Fast Hands perk as it takes “too long” now.

Over the years, there have been a few attempts to reinvent the wheel in Call of Duty’s multiplayer. Take the Pick 10 system. That replaced the classic Create-A-Class formula before it was then shelved too.

When it comes to Black Ops 6, the game has returned to its roots a bit. However, there are some long-standing COD features that have either been tweaked or outright removed. Fans have been left annoyed that the time it takes to capture the Care Package has been changed for the first time in 15 years. 

That isn’t the only change to a long-standing feature that they’re annoyed about, though. 

Fast Hands needs to bring back COD’s fast reloads

Fast Hands and Sleight of Hand had, in the past, allowed players to get quicker reloads off when they’d emptied out their magazines.

In Black Ops 6, Fast Hands only give you a faster time between swapping weapons and players believe” that is a “dumb” change.

“Why doesn’t this perk have quick reload? It’s dumb,” one Redditor asked. “It takes way too long to reload in this game,” another added. “It’s crazy how they went for the frenetic action-packed game but forgot quick reload,” another commented. 

Some fans noted that Sleight of Hand has been in a Treyarch title since Black Ops 1 and faster reloads are only possible with a Fast Mags attachment. Ye, others want both. 

“This (Fast Hands) should be a fast reload as well like it was in the old days of COD. The base reload speeds should be increased by 10-15% to match the pace of play as well as the small ass maps,” one suggested.

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By Connor Bennett 8 January 2025


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