Apex Legends is proving popular with fans as the newest free-to-play Battle Royale game on the block.
Having launched as a complete package on PS4, Xbox One and PC, many fans have been wondering is Apex Legends cross-platform and if there are any plans for crossplay support?
Unlike PUBG, the Titanfall Battle Royale experience has landed on all three platforms at the same time.
This means that cross-platform support would be much easier, with Repsawn Entertainment evidently keen on the idea.
For now, Apex Legends does not include cross-platform support on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
“We currently don’t support cross-platform play, but are always working on new features and improvements we can add to our game,” an official Respawn message reads.
However, while there is currently no support for crossplay in Apex Legends, it looks like things will change in the future.
Respawn Entertainment want to bring cross-platform support to their new Battle Royale shooter, however, it won’t boast the level of integration found in Fortnite.
The Battle Royale juggernaut is one of the biggest games in the world right now that allows players to not only play across platforms but also share the same account.
The process is still ongoing and there are limitations, but Fortnite certainly boasts impressive cross-platform support.
However, Apex Legends is never going to allow fans to cross-progress or cross-purchases like seen in Fortnite Battle Royale.
The reason for this is that this wasn’t available during the early stages of Apex Legends’ development, with the current system unable to support it.
However, crossplay is a thing that Respawn are aiming for in the future.
Lead producer Drew McCoy told Eurogamer about their ideas, revealing that they have “plans to allow players to play with their friends on other platforms.”
Unfortunately, there’s no current release schedule set for when full crossplay support for Apex Legends will be launched.
It’s safe to say that if player numbers continue to stay high and even increase, it’s more likely that the team will push for its launch sooner rather than later.
Like Fortnite, Apex Legends also has an item shop to buy cosmetics and a Battle Pass.
The Rotating Shop is an in-game destination where you can purchase individual cosmetics and characters.
Each item slot in the shop rotates every seven days. There are two sections in the Rotating Shop: Featured and Shop Exclusives.
The “Featured” section includes a curated selection of items. These items, normally only available as Apex Pack drops or unlockable with Crafting Metals, are available for direct purchase with Apex Coins for a limited period of time.
The “Shop Exclusives” section contains exclusive Legendary Recolors that are available for purchase only with Legend Tokens.
These items are not available as drops in the core Apex Pack and require ownership of the related prerequisite Legendary item before a purchase can be made.
More news on how Respawn plans to update and grow Apex Legends is expected in the coming weeks.