Apex Legends Battle Pass release date COUNTDOWN – Octane launch time, skins, rewards, leak | Gaming | Entertainment


Apex Legends is about to take another leaf out of Fortnite’s book, as the Season 1 Battle Pass gets ready to launch.

Based on a , the Apex Legends Battle Pass is tipped to have a March 12 release date.

However, Apex Legends developer Respawn is yet to officially announce a release date, so it’s looking increasingly unlikely that Season 1 will launch so soon.

If it does land on March 12, then expect it to go live between 5-6pm UK time. 

One thing we do know for sure is that the Season 1 Battle Pass will definitely launch this month.

The Apex Legends release roadmap confirms as much, explaining that the first season will run from March until June.

Proving that the Battle Pass isn’t far away, new Season 1 files were also discovered in the latest update.

According to a tweet by @RealApexLeaks (above), Season 1 will launch with its own separate lobby, have its own bonuses and will reward players with new skins.

A new Legend named Octane is also tipped to launch as a separate unlock alongside the Battle Pass.

Based on a recent leak, the new character will be able to move across the map much faster than his fellow combatants.

Octane will also reportedly have a passive skill that lets him regenerate health when outside of combat.

Another leaked character, known as Watson, could also feature in the Apex Legends season 1 Battle Pass.

New weapons are said to include a flamethrower and some kind of remote turret.

Respawn has also confirmed plans to release new loot during Season 1.

here’s hoping we also get some Fortnite-style weekly challenges to keep things interesting.

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