Warzone players blast “pay to win” Gaia skin in Season 6


Call of Duty Warzone players have hit out at the new Gaia skin in Season 6, with some calling it “broken” and others labeling it as “pay to win” right now.

Even though Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is on the horizon, Season 6 of Warzone has gotten underway and will be the last big seasonal update until the new game releases. 

Naturally, like every other new season, the devs have added a whole host of new things – including two new weapons, a nighttime version of Al-Mazrah, and a raft of new skins. While some players have an issue with the Lockwood 300 shotgun, others have pointed at the Gaia skin as their big issue. 

To go along with the spooky season vibes of Season 6, Gaia has gotten a Groot-like tree skin where the bottom half of the body isn’t as visible as the top half. As a result, some fans believe it is a bit “broken” and need a change. 

Warzone players hit out at “broken” Gaia skin in Season 6

Many players have taken to social media to complain about the new skin, comparing it to the infamous Roze and 100 Thieves skins that allowed players to hide in the shadows without being spotted. 

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“In a game that has been toeing the line of pay-to-win for some time, the Gaia skin is one of the most intentionally broken features we’ve seen in a long time. The skin is nearly impossible to see in dark environments or in bushes,” complained Redditor bupivacaine, who called on Activision to ban it from any sort of Ranked play. 

“That tree skin needs to be removed or tweaked. F**king bulls**t skin,” agreed one player. “So hard to see even in broad daylight as parts of the skin are see-through…,” added another.  “I noticed it’s broken AF,” another commented.

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Some players argued that the Blackcell version of the Gaia skin, which sees it having a “glow” about it, could be viewed as “pay to lose.” Though, they’re still not happy with the regular version.

With Season 6 now running until MW3 releases, some players are concerned that there won’t be any sizable updates to address their complaints. However, we’ll have to wait and see if their fears are realized.


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  1. Come on… Really ?
    So Sledgehammer Games / Activision give players who purchase the battle pass a FREE skin for earning tokens and players are complaining about this ?
    I could understand if the skin had been 2400 COD Point or more.


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