Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League May Be Dead, But True Ending Offers Sliver of Hope for Future Arkhamverse Games


The final update for Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is now out, and with it, the conclusion to the game’s story. While the game was initially criticized for its choices in handling certain characters, the ending may offer a sliver of hope for the future of Arkhamverse games.

Spoiler warning for those who haven’t played it and now plan on doing so now that online isn’t always required.

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Literally Saw the Death of the Justice League…Or So We Thought

If you’ve been following Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League ever since it was announced and released, then you’ve probably picked up on some of the hints (and datamine) that the story told in the original release wasn’t all that it seemed. We’re talking about the general premise, where you play as a member of the Suicide Squad with the goal of killing the Justice League. On paper, and even in execution, the idea was a pretty stupid, as anyone with comic book knowledge would know that the only way for that to happen is if they severely nerfed the heroes. Yet, it was a challenge that Rocksteady took upon, and sadly, it didn’t go over with most fans. 

There are a lot of things wrong with Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, and I personally think it was mostly due to being a live service game that ended up harming the experience. The story, I thought, was fine, though that does not mean I liked where it went. While the game’s name is “Kill the Justice League,” I didn’t think it would be in a literal sense, especially when you look at the characters who are part of the squad. It just felt utterly unbelievable, and for a game set in the Arkhamverse, you know, the three mainline Batman games by Rocksteady, as well as Origin and the recently released Arkham Shadow, to see that Batman could blunder so hard when he’s been up against far worse too, yeah, I just don’t believe it. 

Well, as it turns out, Batman, Superman, The Flash, and Green Lantern were never killed off. This was revealed in the game’s very lackluster true ending, which was released with the last content update. 

This might be one of the worst endings for a game I’ve seen in a long time. With this being the big reveal, you’d think they would have had some climatic CGI cutscene showing the heroes coming back and saving the world or something, but instead, it’s just this comic-book presentation with Harley Quinn narrating. I can’t say I’m surprised, considering this has been the story presentation for each season outside of each new squad member having an in-game scene. But still, if this was the grand plan for how it was all supposed to end, then yikes! Not to mention the lack of any mention of Wonder Woman, who died at the hands of clone Superman. 

Like I said, it’s lackluster. 

But what’s important here is that the Justice League isn’t primarily dead! While the chances of us getting solo games with the other members are slim to none, Batman himself is still alive, meaning the Arkhamverse lives on! Sadly, it must be without Kevin Conroy, who died in 2022. Roger Craig Smith, the voice actor who voiced Batman in both Batman Origin and Batman Arkham Shadows, seems to be taking upon the mantle for the Arkhamverse version of the character. 

Could there still be a future for the Arkhamverse? I’d wager yes, as even WB expressed interest in making more Batman games. At least there is now a beacon of hope, or rather, a Bat signal, that we might be getting more games, and hopefully, proper single-player games, within the Arkham universe. Whether they make any mention of Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, or it ends up retconned as an Elseworld story, who knows, just be happy that Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, and the Flash aren’t dead. As for Wonder Woman, rip, but at least we have a solo game coming for her that probably isn’t in the same universe as the Arkhamverse.

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By James Lara 15 January 2025


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