Star Wars Battlefront’s repackaged Classic Collection is out and if there was ever a time it needed to excel in popularity and turn heads it’s now.
The two most recent Star Wars Battlefront games have lost nearly all of their playerbase with queues being a ghost town lately. This isn’t as much of a surprise for the 2015 Battlefront as it is for 2017’s Battlefront 2, but even the latter is essentially a dead game now seven years later and with active development long since ceased. That’s why, seemingly against all odds, it’s a rare treat to see the original Star Wars Battlefront games receive a Classic Collection.
The Classic Collection is available now and, tragically, it is underbaked in its launch state. This Classic Collection is perhaps even more likely to earn success, though, with the discourse enveloping Battlefront being largely positive nowadays and the popularity of Helldivers 2 reminding players why Battlefront has been sorely missed. It’s either a huge fluke or a purposeful calculation, but the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection dropping when it has could be the ember that stokes a massive flame, so long as it can get a quick turnaround on the multiplayer issues it possesses.
Battlefront’s Classic Collection Arrives at the Height of Helldivers’ Popularity

If Helldivers 2 hadn’t emerged with renewed vigor in the PvE sphere, it’s anyone’s guess how a new Battlefront game would be received. Ever since Helldivers 2 was compared to the chaotic blaster bolt-hell of Clone Wars, it’s been clear how impactful Battlefront was as a large-scale PvP title.
Helldivers 2 gets a lot of its mileage on the hilarious militarism and civic duty memes that it perpetuates as a parody of such sci-fi propaganda, yet its gameplay lives up to every second of its epic bombast. Battlefront’s own epic moments come from reliving iconic moments of warfare depicted in Star Wars’ movies, allowing players to have a role in the ensuing battle as a slate of diverse characters or races.
It’s been a while since a new Battlefront game was released and, although the Classic Collection isn’t technically a new entry, this packaged ‘remaster’ could be enough to inspire a new mainline installment that can pick up where 2017’s Battlefront 2 left off. If such a game included anything like Helldivers 2, which it absolutely should, it could be incredibly successful and hop on a brand-new PvE bandwagon that looks like it’ll have some decent legs amid a horde of lackluster live-service offerings lately.
Battlefront Classic Collection is Already Plagued by Terrible Server Problems
Devastatingly, Aspyr’s Classic Collection has proven to exhibit disastrously inadequate multiplayer at launch with rampant server issues, audio bugs, and immense lag, while single-player content lacks ending cutscenes—far, far away from the definitive experience that Battlefront deserved. How the Classic Collection is received now could mar the series irreparably.
Note: It would be a huge letdown if the Classic Collection turned out to be a dud that blemishes Battlefront as a whole because the franchise truly is in need of another grace period, but it’s hard to defend such a troubled product at launch.
Servers aren’t nearly as bad as when the game was immediately released, but these problems persist and it seems like players need to be lucky to experience a match without any glaring technical concerns. Notwithstanding, what is properly playable in the Classic Collection’s single-player content does hold true to what Battlefront’s core gameplay always delivered well and hopefully its multiplayer content will meet that standard soon. If it’s going to make any positive impressions at all before players are inevitably disinterested, it needs to stick the landing hastily.
Aspyr on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection – "Since launch, we’ve been working to address these issues and increase network stability, and we will continue our efforts until our network infrastructure is stabilized to prevent further outages."
— Wario64 (@Wario64) March 14, 2024
Battlefront’s History is Conflicted But Still Shows Promise and Longing

Battlefront’s latest installment was likely its most controversial and for good reason, even if the state it ended development in completely turned that perception around and concluded with a lot of thrilling content. None of that matters much now with hardly anyone appearing in queues, but nonetheless it seems like the reception to a possible Battlefront 3 is positive, which wouldn’t have been the case back when Battlefront 2 launched.
Helldivers 2 may have inadvertently been Battlefront’s biggest boon and coming out just before Star Wars Battlefront’s Classic Collection will hopefully prove to be favorable. If Battlefront can piggyback on the hype Helldivers 2 has enjoyed even a little bit, there may be hope in the galaxy that could translate into another shot at a full-fledged main installment, whether that’s a sequel to or another reboot.
Buy Star Wars Battlefront / Battlefront II
In Star Wars Battlefront an entire fleet of X-wings and TIE fighters has extended over the sky.
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By JARED STEWART 16 March 2024