Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Saves Reportedly Corrupting When Connected To Go


Maybe hold off on sending those postcards until this problem has been confirmed to be real and fixed if it is.

Last week’s Pokemon Presents might not have included a new Mystery Dungeon reveal, but there was plenty for Scarlet & Violet players to enjoy. One of the more lowkey announcements about the newest games in the series is that they can now be connected to Pokemon Go. You might want to hold off on doing that right away though as a number of players have reported it has corrupted their save file.

Matthewcbayer has shared their own personal experience on the Scarlet & Violet subreddit, claiming to have lost 595 hours of progress and a Shiny Pokedex that was 85 percent complete after connecting to Go. The post claims around a dozen others have reported something similar happening to them, some of whom claim to have been affected after downloading the DLC and not even connecting to Go.

To make matters even worse, Matthew added to their original post that an attempt to recover the backup save was unsuccessful. As for how it happened, they didn’t even realize it until hours later. The game didn’t crash, but when Matthew left their Switch and attempted to jump back in a few hours later, the game displayed a “save data not recognized” message.

Serebii’s Joe Merrick has also noted the issue and attempted to figure out what exactly might trigger it in an attempt to prevent others from being affected. Since the new feature is built around sending postcards from Go to Scarlet & Violet, and the location on the postcards affects the patterns that appear on Paldea’s Vivillon, one theory was that saving near the altered Pokemon was causing the file to corrupt. That has been bravely tested and doesn’t appear to be the case.

This will be a problem Game Freak wants to fix pretty quickly before it becomes too widespread. Odds are the players using the feature are ones who have a lot of hours invested in Scarlet & Violet so have a lot of progress to lose. The silver lining is they’re also the types of players who will see articles like this, and the Reddit posts like the one above, so will hopefully not connect their save to Go until it’s confirmed to be safe to do so.


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