Overwatch 2 is getting fantastic My Hero Academia skins


Going Plus Ultra in style.

The latest collaboration to hit Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch 2 is shaping up to be an absolute smash hit. As announced, the multiplayer shooter is set to get a range of new skins inspired by My Hero Academia, with each designed after an iconic character from the franchise.

These skins go far beyond other recent crossovers, with each skin not only lending new, superheroic outfits to Overwatch 2‘s cast, but also reshaping them to resemble each character, as well. It’s a bit strange to see the characters of MHA brought to life in cartoon fashion, but they all look great in action.

From 17-30 October 2024, players will be able purchase the following special skins: Tracer as Deku, Juno as Uravity, Reinhardt as All Might, Kiriko as Himiko Toga, and Reaper as Tomura Shigaraki.

As Blizzard states, “Each skin is designed to capture the essence of these beloved characters, giving you the chance to dominate the battlefield with their unique style and flair.” While it’s easy to be cynical about these crossovers and their attached price tags, Blizzard has done a genuinely great job here, translating the MHA style well to Overwatch 2‘s world.

Beyond the neat details in each character’s design, it’s clear there’s also been much thought put into which MHA characters are represented by which Overwatch 2 characters. Having the peppy, bright Tracer as Deku just makes sense. Reinhardt taking the form of All Might, with his bulk and his shove attacks, is also very neat.

Meanwhile, Reaper and Shigaraki share an affinity for the darkness, and a love for fashion styles that lean into goth vibes – so their pairing is a lovely touch.

There’s no doubt these MHA skins will do exactly what they intend – interest MHA fans in getting into Overwatch 2, invite back lapsed players, and encourage folks to jump in for fun new rounds of gameplay. You can’t get mad at Reinhardt pushing you off a cliff when he’s wearing All Might’s face, after all.

You can learn more about the Overwatch 2 My Hero Academia crossover on the Blizzard website.


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By Leah J. Williams 27 September 2024


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