Nothing can stop Minecraft villagers from invading player beds •


What’s that? Minecraft villagers are sleepy, boring characters peacefully living out their lives in little hamlets? Not so, thanks to the latest Minecraft Village and Pillage update, which has given the citizens of Minecraft a new lease of life thanks to some significant AI changes. They’re perhaps taking the title a little too literally, in fact, as villagers are now breaking into homes to steal player beds and crops.

Update 1.14 now allows villagers to sleep in beds, and also gives them schedules to follow – which includes sleeping in said beds at nighttime. Seemingly the villagers are so determined to stick to these schedules they will stop at nothing to reach their destination.
As spotted by Kotaku, several Minecraft players have taken to Reddit seeking advice on how to evict their pesky neighbors.

“I was checking out the new 1.14 update when this villager somehow wandered over to my house from the village over 100 blocks away and he’s now claimed my crops as his own,” one player opined. “How do I get him to leave without hitting him?”

Another player had a far more awkward encounter, discovering some kind of villager orgy taking place in their living room. Perhaps just as alarmingly, others have encountered a bug causing villager’s heads to fly off their bodies when sleeping.

Bedrock intruder.

Apparently even tried-and-tested prevention methods aren’t working: despite the common wisdom being to place an iron door and button to prevent entry, one player still found a pesky peasant gazing up at them when they returned home. It seems like the villagers are learning – one even managed to ascend a ladder to access a player’s bedroom. Look at that smug little face.

‘Chaos is a ladder.’

Another addition introduced in the update is the ability for villager children to play together. Naturally, when combined with the bed problem, this means you get hyperactive kids using your bed as a trampoline.

One Twitter user claims to have found a peaceful solution to the problem, which involves lifting villagers out of bed with a fishing rod.

A more long-term prevention method, however, seems to involve laying down plenty of workplace blocks and beds for the villagers. Maybe this is their way of protesting working conditions? Vive la rvolution.

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