More 2D Sonic Games Are On The Way, Says Sega Director


Sonic Frontiers’ director tells us to “look forward” to more 2D games.

With only a few exceptions, Sega and Sonic Team have stuck to 3D platforming ever since Sonic Adventure mixed up the formula in 1999. However, recent comments from Sonic Frontiers director Morio Kishimoto suggest that the studio has plans for more 2D platformers, similar to Sonic the Hedgehog 4 in the early 2010s.

In fact, Kishimoto seems to suggest that Sega could partner with Sonic 4’s developer, Dimps, once more. In a response to a fan, the Frontiers director namedrops Dimps, even told players to “look forward” to games similar to what this studio has made in the past.

This exchange came about when Kishimoto was asked about the possibility of another Sega/Dimps collaboration, with the last one being the development of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2. In response, Kishimoto gives classic Sonic fans a lot to get excited about.

“It’s a Sonic game made by Dimps,” says Kishimoto, in a tweet that has been automatically translated from Japanese. “In addition to 3D Sonic games, Sonic games also have side-scrolling Sonic games, so please look forward to them!”

Without a proper translation, it’s not clear what exactly is being said. But even if we just go by this, we can tell that Sega is thinking about making another side-scrolling Sonic game, with Kishimoto telling us to “look forward” to new titles similar to Sonic 4.

Given the success of Sonic Mania, it’s odd that we haven’t heard anything about a new classic Sonic game until now. While Sonic Frontiers is the talk of the town right now, there’s clearly still a lot of interest in the series’ retro roots, and developers who know how to handle it.

We can, however, say with a degree of certainty that the classic Sonic games will be shown some more love this year. Just a few days ago, an age rating for “Sonic Origins Plus” was spotted online. This would point to an expanded edition of the compilation title, Sonic Origins, launching at some point this year. Sega is yet to officially confirm the game’s existence.


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