How to get Santa Snoop Dogg skin for free in Fortnite


Fortnite players can get their hands on a free Santa Snoop Dogg skin this Christmas, and the best part is that it’s completely free.

Winterfest is in full swing in Fortnite, bringing plenty of festive quests to complete and rewards to earn, including the Mariah Carey and Santa Shaq skins. But they aren’t the only famous faces on the island this year, as there’s also a free Snoop Dogg skin up for grabs.

Here’s how to get the free Santa Snoop skin in Fortnite.

How to unlock free Santa Dogg Fortnite skin

The Santa Snoop Dogg skin is available from one of the presents in the Winterfest cabin, but he doesn’t arrive until December 25 (Christmas Day). If you headed into the cabin before this date, the gift containing the skin couldn’t be found.

There are a total of 14 gifts in the cabin, all with specific rewards inside. The present containing Santa Snoop is a small square one, with gold wrapping paper and a red bow. It appears in between the two existing piles, on the red rug in front of the TV.

We’ve marked the Santa Dogg present location on the image below:

Image: Dexerto

So, if you want to get this free outfit right away, use your daily present on Christmas Day to open this one. But don’t worry if you miss it, as you can still claim it later in the event even if you don’t log in every single day before Winterfest ends on January 7.

Once you’ve got your hands on Santa Snoop, you can complete the set with the That’s Cold Jack Back Bling and Snoop’s Holladizzle Bass. These are also found in the cabin, so check out our full guide on all of the Winterfest presents to find them.

For more, you can also take a look at all of the other free skins on offer this month, as well as which are the rarest skins in Fortnite history.

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By Nathan Warby 25 December 2024


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