Foxhole, a massive WW2 MMO sandbox where every player counts, is 33% off


Foxhole is a WW2 online sandbox where everyone, not just the frontline soldiers, shape the outcome of the war and it’s 33% off on Steam.

There’s no shortage of WW2 war games, but Foxhole really is something special. This massive sandbox MMO features persistent online wars that can last days to weeks, and it’s not just about the frontlines, either. You can also adopt the crucial role of manufacturing munitions and vehicles for other players. And now Foxhole is 33% off on Steam, there’s no better time to do your duty.

Foxhole might look like your average WW2 wargame, but there’s more depth to this MMO sandbox than you can imagine. A blend of Battlefield, Factorio, and World of Warcraft, Foxhole deserves more love and it’s a steal at $20 on Steam.

Foxhole’s persistent wars can last days or even weeks, at which point the whole thing starts over again. Battles take place on land, at sea and when next year’s Airborne

But there’s not a single NPC in Foxhole; instead, every role is undertaken by a player. Those tanks you’re riding around in? They were manufactured by the fair hands of another player, along with the munitions they fire.

How does that work? Players on either side end up in either combat or logistics. The latter makes the weapons while the former fires them and if either isn’t pulling their weight, their side will suffer. Victory is a combined effort, and every player pulls together to give their very best, cooperating in perfect harmony.

I’m kidding, of course. Teamwork is a huge factor but going by the Steam reviews, there’s still the potential for shenanigans. One player grumbles about having produced a handful of vehicles, only to find they’d been ‘borrowed’ by another friendly faction.

Internal conflicts aside, it’s a serious bargain at this price, especially in light of the massive new Infantry Update it received in November. So hurry over to Steam and get Foxhole for just $20.09.

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By Chris McMullen 30 December 2024


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