Fortnitemares challenges: Storm King, haunted forest ghost town spooky farm, furniture | Gaming | Entertainment


Fortnitemares event is beginning today, with a whole host of new challenges coming with the latest Halloween event.

The Fortnite Fortnitemares event is beginning at 1pm GMT today, and ahead of it dataminers have leaked the new inbound challenges.

As revealed in a post by popular leaker Lucas7yoshi, there are a number of eye-catching challenges coming with the Fortnitemares event.

The first one is destroy haunted household furniture which will net Fortnite players 30,000XP.

Fortnite players will need to find and destroy five pieces of haunted household furniture during the Fortnitemares event.

The next big Fortnitemares challenge is the typical search three locations challenges.

This challenge will task Fortnite players with searching for a chest in a haunted forest, ghost town and a spooky farm.

Fortnite players will be rewarded with 30,000XP after completing it.

And finally there are three Fortnite challenges that revolve around the mysterious Storm King that will appear during Fortnitemares.

The first challenge tasks players with dealing 10,000 damage to the Storm King’s weak points.

The next Storm King challenge tasks Fortnite players with reviving three team mates which battling the Storm King.

And the final Storm King challenge tasks players with defeat the Storm King.

New umbrella and sprays are on offer for completing these Fortnite Storm King challenges.

While completing all Fortnitemares challenges will reward players with a new loading screen.

Here is the full list of leaked Fortnitemares challenges…


• Destroy haunted household furniture

• Leap from a Hideout while an opposing player is within 20m

• Search a chest in a haunted forest, a ghost town and a spooky farm

• Deal damage to Storm King weak points

• Revive teammates while battling the Storm King

• Defeat the Storm King

In a blog post Epic Games revealed more about the upcoming Fortnitemares event.

They said: “Even in a new world, you can’t hide from your nightmares… Fortnitemares returns with a vengeance.”

Epic added: “THE STORM KING CHALLENGES YOU. Squad up with you

Friends and face him in the Storm King LTM to stop him from destroying the Island! (Your courage and skill will be rewarded with a special Umbrella.)”

• Stay tuned to for more Fortnite news and updates

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