Fortnite Account Merge WARNING for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch | Gaming | Entertainment


Epic Games has released a new feature that helps create a new unified experience for players using cross-platform support.

Fortnite fans can now create a primary account and add stuff from the other accounts they had before crossplay was enabled.

This mostly affects gamers using PS4 accounts and will allow gamers to put all their best cosmetic items in one place.

However, the process of merging accounts is a little complicated and comes with a warning for Fortnite Battle Royale and Fortnite Save the World players.

Certain limits have been put in place on what things can be merged and how long the process takes.

Epic Games has confirmed that account merging will take around two weeks, meaning you could lose stuff for a short period.

Items and V-bucks are available on your Primary account about 2 weeks after you started the merge.

The good news is that Fortnite gamers will receive an email when the process completes, notifying you when everything is available again.

But what exactly can you merge and what stuff will be left behind?

Epic Games has confirmed that there is a list of things that won’t move over with the rest of your secondary account.

Things that will NOT merge includes Unreal Marketplace Items, Creative Islands, Epic Games store purchases (PC), Battle Pass (Including tiers and battle stars) and Save the World XP/progress.

It should also be noted that purchased V-Bucks are only available on the console/platform they were bought on.

So while merging accounts doesn’t affect this, you may need to log into another platform to see your V-Bucks.

Everything else should be available to unify as part of your account merge, making it possible to keep everything in one place.

There is also the question of being eligible to merge accounts, the rules including one account having played on Xbox One or Switch and the other on PS4 to be eligible for merge.

Fortnite fans should also be aware that they must have played on each platform prior to September 28, 2018 and their account cannot be banned or disabled.

The first stage of the process is heading over to the Epic Games website and selecting the merge account option.

Players will then need to choose a primary account to use as the new main account which will replace the other.

Having chosen the primary, Fortnite fans will then need to select a secondary account to be merged and then disabled.

Players can cancel the merge process any time before it is completed, but they will have to wait another 2 weeks for the process to finish.

It should also be noted that there is a cancel merge option that can be found in the settings bar to stop the process.

Here’s more from Epic Games, who confirmed in a new statement: “You’ll choose two accounts, first a Primary Account that you wish to continue using.

“Then you’ll choose a Secondary Account to merge and disable. Your secondary accounts Console Login (e.g. PSN, Xbox Live, Nintendo Online) will be instantly linked to your Primary Account.

“Two weeks later your Fortnite Cosmetic Items and V-Bucks will be transferred to your Primary Account. In-game items and Vbucks will be held for two weeks before they’re merged to your primary account.”

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