Blizzard DOWN: Server status latest as Overwatch License error problems hit | Gaming | Entertainment


Gamers are reporting temporary issues with Blizzard servers being down tonight, including issues with logging in and playing titles like Overwatch, WoW and Diablo 3.

Problems started being flagged within the last hour and include problems playing Overwatch online.

A “No Overwatch License found” error message is also stopping some fans from playing the game.

It’s unclear what is causing tonight’s problems or how long they might last.

Based on past outages, there seems a good chance that these problems could be fixed quickly.

However, it should also be noted that this isn’t the first problems flagged today by fans.

For the second day in a row, Blizzard users have reported issues with the service, with WoW and Overwatch fans also having problems.

Down Detector has registered an increase in, Overwatch and WoW issues today (November 4).

While on social networking site Twitter Blizzard, Overwatch and WoW users have also reported problems.

The Blizzard Customer Support Twitter acknowledged that they were investigating issues causing login problems.

They posted: “We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts. #BlizzCS”.

A more recent message from the Blizzard support team confirms that there issues tonight with core server services.

The new message explains: “We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.”

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