A Lego Fortnite Player Has Recreated A Star Destroyer


A Lego Fortnite player has managed to build a massive Star Destoryer based on the design of the original Lego set.

There have been a bunch of iconic Lego sets over the years, with the Star Wars franchise contributing a fair few of them. We’ve all dreamed of owning our very own Lego Death Star, and you can get massive Lego sets depicting things like the Millennium Falcon, TIE Fighter, and X-Wing just to name a few.

Not all of us have the ability to splash cash on massive Star Wars Lego sets though, so some players have turned to Lego Fortnite to recreate their favorite ships. That’s exactly what Reddit user Cxt_bro has done with the Star Destroyer (thanks Dexerto), who recently shared a few images of their work in progress build on the Lego Fortnite subreddit last week.

You can check out Cxt_bro’s “progress pictures” down below, though how this creation isn’t actually the finished build is beyond me. While not as big as an actual Star Destroyer, it’s still a pretty hefty thing that must have taken some serious time and effort to put together so accurately. Cxt_bro even includes an image of the real-life Lego Star Destroyer set that they’ve used as a reference, and it’s pretty spot on.

Progress photos of my accurate Lego Star Destroyer inspired from the official sets!
byu/cxt_bro inLEGOfortnite

In the Reddit thread showing off their creation, Cxt_bro explains that they mainly used roofs and long gray bricks for the body of the Star Destroyer and that it actually has an interior with enough room for their entire village to live inside. Unfortunately, the cockpit is purely decorative as it has no room inside it at all, so no controlling it from there.

Cxt_bro has gone on to work on their Star Destroyer even more since these images were shared, as they explain that they’ve attached balloons and knocked out the support strut so the entire thing actually floats and that they’re currently working on figuring out how to control it. Those poor Lego creatures aren’t going to know what hit them.

It’s kind of incredible to see how far Lego Fortnite players have come since launch, especially given how they were creating working airships just days after the mode had gone live. They’ve even been creating monorails en masse to get around easier, and now that they’re making the jump to functional Star Destroyers, you have to assume that they’re soon going to be performing Tears of the Kingdom levels of physics bending in another couple of weeks.




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