A Dwarf, a Mech & a Dragoness – check out the latest trailer for First Dwarf


What awaits brave scouts in First Dwarf? The new trailer reveals all the dangers lurking in the world of Driftland.

Developers from Star Drifters are looking for recruits ready to embark on a dangerous mission to build dwarven colonies on islands floating in the sky. The latest trailer showcases the tasks awaiting them in First Dwarf. The developers also encourage players to become an aerial settler by checking out the demo, which will be available for everyone from June 8th.

In the demo, players will have the opportunity to explore and colonize the first of the available islands. They will get the chance to test the game solo or together with a friend in split-screen or online co-op, in which each player will be able to take control of any character – the dwarf or the dragon. Those interested in checking out the game can already add it to their wishlist to make sure they do not miss the important announcements and upcoming events.

Thanks to the recent tests, we have realized the scale of anticipation for our game. The interest in First Dwarf has surpassed our highest expectations, with nearly twenty-five thousand people deciding to embark on this adventure with us. The positive feedback we received has confirmed our belief that we’re on the right track to meet players’ expectations. We also learned more about which aspects we should focus on in our further work. I’m glad that we’ve gathered such a dedicated and supportive community before the release

Jakub Wójcik, Star Drifter’s CEO.

By combining the key features of popular genres, First Dwarf engages players on multiple levels. The tasks undertaken jointly by the dwarf Tru and the dragoness Ragna should excite fans of action RPGs, survival and tower defense games. Another exciting addition is managing a personally built settlement.

Image: Star Drifters

Tru is a dwarven engineer sent on an important do-or-die mission. His task is to find an island that can be inhabited by other dwarves seeking refuge. However, the explorer’s ship unexpectedly crashes on one of the islands, and the dwarf must fight for survival in the hostile environment. He is supported not only by a powerful mech that he personally pilots but also by an invaluable companion – the female dragon Ragna.

Building a colony and managing the settlers is another part of Tru’s job. With tower defense mechanisms, he can prepare his settlement for the worst. But it’s not all about survival – Tru will have to balance and fulfill the needs of new inhabitants, providing them with resources, shelter, and entertainment to boost their happiness. Only a prosperous society will allow our protagonist to pursue his own personal goal – discovering what evil taints these lands and what happened to the previous dwarven expeditions, including the one led by his father.

Image: Star Drifters

First Dwarf – key features:
⚒️ Control dwarf Tru, pilot a powerful mech and fly with Ragna the Dragon, each with their own skills to upgrade.
⚒️ Build, optimize and look after your colonies.
⚒️ Upgrade, craft and discover new structures, technologies, tools and weapons.
⚒️ Fight tainted enemies by engaging in close combat and by building defensive turrets and walls in advance, preparing not only for monster waves, but also natural disasters.
⚒️ Heal tainted animals or purge the island of them – the choice is yours.
⚒️ Unveil the hidden secrets of Driftland and learn the truth about Tru’s father’s past.
⚒️ Embark on an adventure alone or with a friend in co-op assist mode.

First Dwarf is being developed for PC and consoles, including PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X, and Nintendo Switch. The demo will be available on Steam from June 8th and will be part of the June Steam Next Fest. More information about the release, planned for 2024, will be shared soon.


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By Maciej Sosnowski 4 June 2024


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