Xbox One games NEWS – Has 343 dropped first MAJOR Halo Infinite gameplay hint? | Gaming | Entertainment


Big changes appear to be in store for the next Halo game on Xbox One.

Announced at the 2018 E3 conference, Halo Infinite is expected to have a 2019 release date on Xbox One and PC.

But according to comments made by Halo Transmedia studio head Kiki Wolfkill, the next Halo game might break from the norm.

Speaking at Fortune’s Brainstorm Design conference, Wolfkill seemed to suggest that Halo would adopt more of a live service model in the future.

“What it means to design for an audience now and what it means to design for an audience 10 years from now is really about having a set of rules that people can engage with and buy into for years to come,” she said.

“We have to be able to change content quickly. We can’t afford to wait three years every time we drop a new product and have it be a black box because the games kids are playing are changing every week.”

While the comments may not be aimed at Halo Infinite, it would make sense for the next Halo game to go down this route.

With games like Fortnite, Apex Legends and Overwatch proving so popular, Microsoft would certainly stand to benefit from its own ever-evolving game service.

Halo Infinite was announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018  press conference.

The new game in the Halo series was revealed with a trailer, although sadly no gameplay footage was shown.

Halo Infinite is described as Master Chief’s greatest adventure yet to save humanity.

It’s also said to take the Halo series in a new and unexpected direction – so maybe we’ll see a Halo Battle Royale mode.

The game is also being built using 343’s new Slipspace Engine, and will take place after the events of Halo 5.

It will also feature a new art style that is said to draw inspiration from past releases.

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