The Division 2 private beta: Download The Division 2 beta on time NOW | Gaming | Entertainment


The new Division 2 private beta will only be available for a few short days, meaning that every hour of gameplay will count.

Add to that the new Ubisoft playtest is a whopping 46GB to download on PS4, Xbox One and PC, and you may want to think about starting that download now.

The good news is that the pre-load for The Division 2 private beta is now available for those who pre-ordered the game.

It appears the same deal is available to those who have signed up to the private beta via the Ubisoft website.

“Some selected players who registered on can also start to receive their Beta access by email starting February 6th at 9am GMT,” a message from Ubisoft reads.

And even if you don’t have either of these options and are waiting on a friend to give you one of their three codes, the pre-load should be available before servers go live.

“All Private Beta players will be able to invite up to 3 of their Uplay friends to join them in the Private Beta,” the Ubisoft statement adds.

“Friends invites will be available on starting February 6th at 5pm GMT.

“Players joining the Private Beta through a friend invite will not have access to this feature.”

The Private Beta will run on Xbox One, PS4, and PC from February 7 to February 11, giving players a taste of what is coming later this year.

As mentioned above, The Division 2 Private beta will begin tomorrow at 9am in the UK.

The scheduled time will be the same for all platforms and there will be no start time difference between players who pre-ordered or signed up via the site.

Ubisoft will be dropping new content throughout the test period, meaning fans can look forward to new end-game content on Friday, February 8, at 4pm, GMT.

The beta is set to run until Sunday, February 10, turning off multiplayer servers at around 4pm, GMT.

Here are some of the different ways The Division 2 private beta can be accessed on PS4, Xbox One and PC:

1) Access the Private Beta by pre-ordering

A) Digital pre-order

  • By pre-ordering The Division 2 on your Xbox Store, PlayStation Store or Uplay PC, you will have direct access to the Private Beta.

You do not have to redeem a key

  • The Division 2 Private Beta will be visible in your game library on your Xbox One, PS4 or in Uplay PC starting February 6th at 9am GMT.
  • On Xbox One or PS4, if you cannot see the Beta in your game library, you can manually trigger the download via your console store’s website:
  • Xbox One:
  • PS4:

B) Retail pre-order

  • If you pre-ordered The Division 2 at retail, your retailer will provide you with a Private Beta access code.
  • Redeem your code on
  • You will receive an email from The Division 2 containing your key to access The Division 2 Private Beta
  • On console, you can redeem this key on your Xbox Store or PlayStation Store
  • On PC, the Private Beta will be visible in the “My Games” tab of the UplayPC client
  • The Division 2 Private Beta will be visible in your game library on your Xbox One, PS4 or in the Uplay PC client starting February 6th at 9am GMT.

C) Digital preorder on Epic Games Store

  • Preordering The Division 2 on the Epic Games Store also grants you access to the Private Beta. In this instance, you will receive your Private Beta access by email directly from Epic.

2) Access the Private Beta by being selected

  • You will receive an email from The Division 2 containing your access key to The Division 2 Private Beta. You can also retrieve your Beta access key by logging in on
  • On console, redeem this key on your Xbox Store or PlayStation Store
  • On PC, the Private Beta will be directly visible on the “My Games” tab of the Uplay PC client
  • The Division 2 Private Beta will be visible in your game library on your Xbox One, PS4 or in the Uplay PC client starting February 6th at 9am GMT

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