Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week! Every edition has a theme and this week is no different. As you will see in the “Tweets of the Week” section, the HILARIOUS Tweets this time either merged fun Giant Bomb moments into Dragon Ball Z, or played around with Abby’s classic jump scare from her Resident Evil 2 video series. They are all worth watching, especially if you are in dire need of a pick me up! Second, we have an ungodly number of FANTASTIC blogs worth reading this week.
Seriously, do me and everyone who took the time to write something a favor: read at least two of the blogs this week and thank the authors for their time. Sharing one’s thoughts to the community is a daunting challenge and you can help make it easier and safer by showing your support that their efforts are greatly appreciated! And who knows, maybe you make a new acquaintance or friend on the site. Regardless, let’s jump into the site related housekeeping!
- There is a HUGE Clearance Sale on the Giant Bomb mech store right now! All of the Whiskey Media-era shirt designs are being sold at a massive discounts. Also, previous Premium shirts and sweaters can be picked up cheap!
- Many thanks to James Brooks (@elite_gz on Twitter) for their beautiful single on Bandcamp that expertly samples a classic Giant Bomb moment!
- It’s time for a new UPF premium subscriber giveaway! This one is for all of you comic fans! Use the link below to be entered into a raffle to win this week’s prize!
Tweets Of The Week
His name is Dalex.@DanRyckert @alex_navarro @GBDudersFeed pic.twitter.com/xhYjJyL8Du
— Jeremy Medina (@JeremyRMedina) February 16, 2019
I had to do my own version of this amazing clip. Love you guys! @giantbomb @ybbaaabby @DanRyckert @jeffgerstmann @unastrike @_janjerome @VinnyCaravella @PackBenPack @alex_navarro @bradshoemaker pic.twitter.com/CFnoES9twL
— Rudy Ramirez (@RudyramirezSLR) February 15, 2019
It’s hardly original at this point, but still, it had to be done. You might even say… “I had to give it to ya” (cc: @GBDudersFeed ) pic.twitter.com/LWRV1shfCC
— It’s me! Drew (@drew_type) February 15, 2019
@ybbaaabby @DanRyckert pic.twitter.com/EajBvZwbub
— Steve Kim (@Fobwashed) February 15, 2019
There are very few perfect things in life. This is one of them. @DanRyckert @ybbaaabby @VinnyCaravella pic.twitter.com/VebMbZ9f5Z
— Mohammed Abdullah (@Mystic_Mile) February 13, 2019
@jeffgerstmann @DanRyckert ask and you shall receive pic.twitter.com/FT2formIKG
— ZootNaps (@ZootNaps) February 11, 2019
Giant Bomb Galleria
BANNER – Jan The Pokemon Trainer (By: @natt0)
Over on Twitter natt0 decided it was high time Jan’s PokéMonday Night Combat series got some fan art! And goodness is their artwork AMAZING! Remember to follow them on Twitter if you can, and always support artists if possible.
Community Activities

Anthem GB Community Discord Server (By: @hestilllives19)
I’m going to include this link again with he release of Anthem drawing nigh! If you plan on picking up the game you can use the following link to join our community Discord server.
GB Apex Legends Discord And Online Meetups (By: @brackstone)
Users really seem to be enjoying Apex Legends, and if you are one of them drop a comment in our online sharing thread with your online username and platform of choice! Additionally, join the community Discord server for Apex Legends if you haven’t already.
Clips Of The Week
Over on YouTube, Kiskey compiled every time “Business Dave” referenced a street fight to the death between Ben and Rorie during the 02/08/2019 UPF.
Best Of Blogs

Top 200 Games of All Time – Part One! &Top 200 Games of All Time – Part Two! (By: @pixelprinny)
After a hiatus, Giant Bomb user PixelPrinny returns to blogging with a new series annotating their 200 all-time favorite video games! Give the first two episodes a read and be AMAZED by their incredible use of infographics!
Sleeper, Breakout, And Bust For Nintendo Direct 2.13.2019 (By: @triznoy)
triznoy wrote about what they thought were the significant positive and negative takeaways from the 02/13/2019 Nintendo Direct! Read all about it using the link here!
Fighting Final Fantasy XII – Episode 2: If This Game Is Basically Anime Star Wars, Why Don’t I Like It More? (By: @zombiepie)
Episode Two of moderator ZombiePie’s Let’s Play blog series on Final Fantasy XII is up! This episode breaks down how the game’s defenders often forget how TERRIBLE its first five chapters can be!
My Time at Eorzea, Week One – On Queue (By: @thefakepsychic)

Speaking of Final Fantasy games, on a whim, Giant Bomb user TheFakePsychic used a free trial for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! Read how the game and its incredibly active community treated them!
Don’t Pre-Order Games. Also I Pre-Ordered A Game. Here’s Why. (By: @sparky_buzzsaw)
Giant Bomb user Sparky_Buzzsaw would never in 100 years advise a person to pre-order a video game in 2019. Here’s their justification on why they just pre-ordered Far Cry: New Dawn.
A Comprehensive Argument For Localizing Mother 3 (By: @jeremyf)
JeremyF uses their latest blog to defend why they continue to advocate for Mother 3‘s official localization, even though their efforts continue to be fruitless.
Do I Quit BioWare With Anthem? (By: @superharman)
Does Anthem mark the end of BioWare as we know it? That’s the question Giant Bomb user Superharman has been wracking their brain about, and you can join their discussion using the link included!

I Like Apex Legends Because It Reminds Me Of Left 4 Dead 2 (By: @willherox)
WillHeroX uses their latest blog to talk about how Apex Legends has scratched the itch that normally only Left 4 Dead 2 would even if the game lacks a “true” co-operative mode.
Hob Is A Fun Little Zelda Clone Whose Substantial Technical Issues Harm, But Don’t Ruin, The Experience (By: @bigsocrates)
BigSocrates’ latest blog talks about the indie Zelda-clone, Hob! Give it a read and discover more about its action-adventure trappings, and unfortunate technical issues.
Move Over Fortnite, There’s A New Sheriff In Town (By: @ghostyfox)
GhostyFox’s latest blog discusses Apex Legends and why it is replacing Fortnite as their go-to multiplayer game. Read why they think Apex Legends scratches a different but more compelling itch.
Saturday Summaries 2019-02-16: Nintendo’s Direct Message Edition (By: @mento)
Mento’s got much to say about the games featured in the most recent Nintendo Direct, and also offers their impressions on West of Loathing, the remastered Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and a whole lot of Sega Genesis games from 1991.
Join The Discussion

Daemon X Machina Prototype Missions Thoughts (By: @sawtooth)
Have any of you checked out the prototype missions for Daemon X Machina? Share your early impressions, whether they are positive or negative, with the rest of the Giant Bomb community!
Anthem Impressions Thread (By: @paulmako)
Anthem is now available to play for Origin Access Premier members. Later next week the game becomes available to everyone else. Regardless of when you get it, here’s a link to our community discussion about the game!
Hollow Knight Sequel Hype and Anticipation Thread (By: @rorie)
A sequel to Hollow Knight has recently been announced! What are your hopes for the next game? Share them in our community anticipation and hype sharing thread!

Crackdown 3 Discussion Thread (By: @lifejuice)
Some members of the Giant Bomb community have expressed strong negative feelings about Crackdown 3, but does the game deserve it? Share your thoughts and impressions using the link below!
Metro Exodus Discussion Thread (By: @glots)
Have any of you picked up Metro Exodus? If so, feel free to share your thoughts about it on our official community discussion thread about the game using the link!
Yoshi’s Crafted World Demo Discussion Thread (By: @bigsocrates)
The community currently is a bit cold on the demo for Yoshi’s Crafted World, but where do you stand on the game? Is it a charming romp, or a disappointing follow-up to Yoshi’s Woolly World?
New Console Anxiety Discussion Thread (By: @aodhhinsai)

Does the prospect of new consoles make you mentally or financially “nervous?” Share your big worries about the next batch of consoles and the possible burdens they could pose on your life.
Are EA Competing With Themselves (By: @giant_gamer)
Here’s an interesting discussion thread on the forums! With Anthem and Apex Legends releasing near each other, does EA run the risk of competing with themselves? Share your two cents’ worth using the link below!
Useful User Reviews

- @riostarwind‘s Kingdom Hearts III review is simple and to the point: they enjoyed playing Kingdom Hearts III. Read all about why by clicking the link!
- @pauljeremiah uses their review of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to articulate why they think the game is the “pinnacle” of interactive storytelling and a reference point for future RPGs.
- @moonlightmoth uses their review of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown to advocate that it is high time the Ace Combat developers should just sit down and watch Top Gun.
- @nateandrews uses their Apex Legends review to list how the game finally sold them on the battle royale concept.