Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week! First, and foremost, I want to congratulate everyone for surviving the first month of 2019! As we enter the month of love, I think we can all agree that some big video game releases are drawing nigh. Crackdown 3, Far Cry: New Dawn, Metro Exodus, and Anthem all release in February, and that certainly makes things more interesting for the rest of us. With that in mind, let’s jump into the site related housekeeping!
- After issues with another minor site re-design, the column width on the Giant Bomb forums should be fixed.
- UPF Giveaway for Premium members – 2/1/2019 – Mr. Rorie is giving away another batch of goodies this week for those that comment on their forum post! Drop a comment to have a chance at winning a weird plastic hockey mask, a physical set of Gwent (opened but should be intact), and a Cards Against Humanity Reject Pack!
- Autoplay Issues – Some users are reporting issues regarding the autoplay feature on the site. If that includes you, file a bug report using the link.
Tweets Of The Week
Turn the video quality back up. https://t.co/TSQgJ1xZDw
— Brad Lynch (@MarinoV1) January 31, 2019
I noticed that this wiki edit is just now being made to the Giant Bomb database. It is a travesty @MarinoV1 and @HeyDerekStone did not identify this oversight earlier. pic.twitter.com/fuBWtAMMPR
— GB Duders Feed (@GBDudersFeed) February 2, 2019
Community Activities
Who’s Playing Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee! Online? (By: @flstyle)
Inspired by Jan’s recent PokéMonday Night Combat video, Giant Bomb user FLStyle is interested in setting up online events for Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
Giant Bomb Anthem Discord (By: @rorie)
Mr. Rorie set up a Discord here for any prospective Anthem users if you’re interested. Whether you are playing the online demo over the weekend or are waiting for the full-release, use the link to join the fun.
Clips Of The Week
Final Fantasy 7 in Dreams Watched by Giant Bomb (By: Calabi Tale) & Giant Bomb Plays: Slayer Scrolls – Made in DREAMS (PS4) (By: LifeTookLemons)
Here’s something fun and heart-warming. The creators of several of the Dreams levels that Giant Bomb showed off during their livestream are just now finding out about it. By clicking any of these videos, you can thank them for their hard work and find out what else they have been up to in the game.
Best Of Blogs

Fighting Final Fantasy XII – Episode 1: Why, Oh Why, Is Vaan The Protagonist? (By: @zombiepie)
Moderator ZombiePie is starting a new Final Fantasy blog series! This season will detail his adventures in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Here’s a link to their first episode where they rant about Vaan being the worst.
7 Years at Giant Bomb – Highlighting My Favorite Contributions (By: @infinitespark)
InfiniteSpark has been publishing content on the site for SEVEN YEARS and today reviews some of the highlights! Check out their latest blog to read all about their favorite moments on Giant Bomb both big and small!
7th Annual GB AOTY Poll Results: It’s a Girl’s Festival! (By: @dochaus)
It’s finally here! many thanks to everyone who made it possible, so here are the results of Giant Bomb’s community voting for a 2018 “ANIME OF THE YEAR!” Give it a read to see which show ended up on top.

Community Endurance Run: Community Decision Time (By: @jeffrud)
This week, jeffrud questionably leaves his fate during the Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run charity event in your hands. Share possible games or punishments you would like them to showcase during the event using the link above.
Round 2 With Stardew Valley; Starting From Scratch In 2019 (By: @sweep)
Giant Bomb moderator Sweep talks about their second attempt to play Stardew Valley on their latest blog. Read how the mining and social aspects of the game treated them.
January Vita Lineup And Upcoming Titles(By: @blacklagoon)
BlackLagoon is back with a vengeance! Not only do they remind you that the PlayStation Vita is still alive and kicking, but they also annotated every game that released on the platform this month!
Resident Evil 2 Is FANtastic (By: @bonbolapti)
Giant Bomb user bonbolapti absolutely LOVES the Resident Evil 2 remake! Read why and what continues to draw them into the game by reading their latest blog!
Saturday Summaries 2019-02-02: Wii Wiil Meet Again Edition (By: @mento)
Mento’s weekly check-in assembles a list of all the SNES games that will become legally inaccessible with the Wii Shop’s demise. They also have some thoughts about Strikey Sisters, No More Heroes 2, and Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
Join The Discussion

Kingdom Hearts III Discussion Thread (By: @ntm)
Calling all owners of Kingdom Hearts III, we have an official community discussion thread about the game! Feel free to share your thoughts about the combat, environments, and story using the link.
WarGroove Discussion Thread (By: @reasonableman)
Have any of you given Wargroove a chance? Is the turn-based strategy game from Chucklefish worth playing? Share your impressions with the rest of the Giant Bomb Community!
New DBZ Project (By: @quantris)
Calling all DBZ fans! What is your gut reaction to the recently announced DBZ open-world action RPG, Project Z? Is this a match made in heaven? Do any of you remember Dragon Ball Z: Sagas?

Mr. X Questions (Possible Spoilers) (By: @majormitch)
For those of you playing the Resident Evil 2 Remake, how have you been dealing with Mr. X? Share your hiding tips and exploits in handling the boss encounter with other Giant Bomb users.
Metro Exodus Pulled From The Steam Store (By: @sombre)
Do you have any gut reactions to the announcement of Metro Exodus being pulled from the Steam store? Join our discussion about what this revelation means for consumers in the long-term.
Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Pass 2 Trailer (By: @theht)
A new batch of DLC characters were announced for Dragon Ball FighterZ, but the real question is if you are interested in playing any of them online. Share your gut-reaction and hopes for future DLC characters.
Would You Live In A “Haunted” House? (By: @sweep)
After playing a bit of Luigi’s Mansion and some generic horror games, giantbomb moderator Sweep asks the question of the century: Would you live in a “haunted” house?
Mass Effect 1-3 Remaster for Next Generation (PS 5, Xbox Next) (By: @monkeyking1969)
Could you imagine a remaster of the original Mass Effect trilogy for the next generation of video game consoles? Would such a compilation still hold water by then?
Lovable Lists

Games Lost In The Digital Ether (By: @kablammo)
kablammo is working on a fascinating list concept and needs YOUR HELP! They are trying to annotate every game digitally de-listed and no longer available to purchase. Here are some examples, and suggestions from the community are appreciated!
Useful User Reviews

- Moderator @riostarwind uses their review of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony to talk about how the game is a perfect example of ending a series with a “bang.”
- @lnorth88 uses their Red Dead Redemption 2 review to articulate why their most significant problem with the game is the need to neglect everything else in their life to enjoy it.
- Additionally, @lnorth88 fell in love with Yoku’s Island Express after delaying playing it for months. Read what drew them into the game’s world on their review.
- Giant Bomb user @d_w‘s FutureGrind review shares how the game is an excellent balance of flow and sweat-inducing panic.
- @triznoy uses their review of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix to meticulously detail the areas of improvement they are hoping to see in Kingdom Hearts III.