Switch Stretch Goal Announced For SNES Style RPG Chained Echoes



    Chained Echoes IMG

    German-based game developer Matthias Linda is hoping to release his SNES style RPG Chained Echoes on the Nintendo Switch. This game has been in development for two and half years and is inspired by fantasy titles of the ’90s, taking place in a 16-bit world where dragons are as common as piloted mechanical suits.

    Like all good JRPG, you’ll take control of a group of heroes who must bring peace to a continent where war has been waged for generations. The game combines the simplicity of retro games with more modern design principles to offer a fast-paced adventure. Other than this, players can expect 20-25 hours of play time, no random encounters (as enemies can be seen around the game world), tons of items to be looted, stolen or crafted, a complex skill and equipment system, the ability to customise your own airship and music inspired by games from the PSX era.

    The game will be released in English only, with further stretch goals made for additional language support. At the time of writing, the Kickstarter project has raised around €35,000 (58% of the funding goal) and has an initial target of €60,000. The funding required for a Switch release is €80,000. If this particular stretch goal is not met, the game may still be ported to this platform and the PlayStation 4 at a later date. If you want to help out, there are multiple pledges you can make, with many of them giving you a digital copy of the game and various other goodies.

    Take a look at the official trailer for the game below and tell us in the comments if you’ll be backing this Kickstarter project:

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