UPDATE 2: PUBG developer Bluehole has posted a new update about voice chat issues hitting Xbox One.
“Xbox Players: We’re aware of an issue with the voice chat not working for parties grouped up in-game, Xbox Live parties are unaffected by this issue.
“We plan on rolling out an additional hotfix (approximately 100MB) today, which will require no downtime.”
UPDATE: The PUBG Battlegrounds update can be downloaded, as server maintenance comes to an end.
The news was announced by Bluehole on Twitter: “Xbox & PS4 Players: Maintenance is complete and the hotfix is now available for download.”
ORIGINAL: PUBG has been taken offline for a new update on PS4 and Xbox One.
The brand new Battlegrounds update will be available following a period of server maintenance.
The PS4 and Xbox One server maintenance tales place between 7am and 10am UK time.
The accompanying patch isn’t a big one, so don’t expect any major new features.
“On January 30, will be applying a hotfix to the live servers to resolve several bugs reported to us over the past week,” reads a PUBG post.
“Due to the complexity of some of the issues, we were unable to resolve them all in time for inclusion in this hotfix. We are working as hard as we can to resolve the remaining issues as soon as possible.”
The update fixes issues associated with the Vikendi Survivor Pass in Battlegrounds.
According to the patch notes, the update also fixes a problem with characters not appearing in the lobby and main weapons not equipping.
You can check out the full list of Battlegrounds patch notes below…
Bug Fixes
• Fixed an issue where sometimes “PLAY”/”READY” button would not function correctly (XBOX ONLY)
• Fixed an issue where a party member’s character would intermittently not appear in the lobby
• Fixed an issue where you were unable able to move to “CAREERS” tab in the “SEASON” menu
• Fixed an issue where you were unable to pick up the wanted quantity of an item from a loot box
• Fixed bugs related to Survivor Pass: Vikendi
• Fixed an issue where the mission list language would not update after changing the language in SETTINGS
• Fixed an issue where a UI button would be placed incorrectly
• Fixed an issue where main weapons were not equipped if selected immediately after throwing a molotov
• Fixed an issue where sometimes main weapons were not equipped in certain situations
• Fixed an issue where “Now you see me now you don’t” achievement could not be achieved on Vikendi
• Fixed mistyped information on the “SEASON – Survivor Point” page
PUBG developer Bluehole has also released a list of known issues that will be fixed soon.
This includes fixes for instances when symbols are shown in another language and missions incorrectly clearing.
You can check out the known issues in PUBG below…
Known Issues
• The issue where “Play a match without using any bandages” mission would be cleared even when bandages are used in a match
• The issue where certain symbols would show in “Survivor Pass: Vikendi” and “SEASON” page on consoles set to Japanese language