Pokemon Go February Community Day headliners to include Bagon, Slakoth, Ralts or Trapinch | Gaming | Entertainment


 fans are awaiting Niantic’s February 2019 Community Day reveal.

While updates have been somewhat sporadic in recent months, Niantic traditionally reveals the date and Pokemon in the week following the previous Community Day.

It’s likely the Community Day event will take place on the weekend of February 9/10, or 16/17.

Needless to say, the event will take place between 10am and 1pm on one of these days.

As we wait for official confirmation about the next Community Day starring Pokemon, fans have been speculating about its identity.

Slakoth, Ralts and Trapinch were previously tipped to appear in 2018, so expect to see one of them make an appearance soon.

It’s possible that we’ll see a Gen 4 Pokemon take centre stage soon.

The obvious contenders would be the Sinnoh region starter Pokemon, including Turtwig (above), Chimchar and Piplup.

Slakoth, Ralts and Trapinch were previously tipped to appear in 2018, so expect to see one of them make an appearance soon.

In an excellent post on Reddit, one fan has predicted which Pocket Monsters will take centre stage during each month of 2019.

The post suggests that Bagon will headline February, followed by Treecko in March.

Ralts is tipped to finally make an appearance on April, while Torchic has been touted for May.

Gible, Mudkip and Slakoth could feature in June, July and August, followed by Turtwig in September.

There’s speculation that October’s event will be used to promote a new Pokemon featured in the upcoming Switch release, followed by Chimchar in November.

Similar to December 2018, Niantic is likely to see out the year with a collection of the year’s Pokemon.

It’s all speculation at this point, but expect to find out more in the coming days.

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