Monster Hunter Witcher UPDATE – Amazing free DLC launches with huge new patch | Gaming | Entertainment


The Witcher 3 and Monster Hunter World have joined forces, as update 6.00 hits PS4 and Xbox One.

Out now, the free Monster Hunter World DLC update weighs in at 1.72GB on PS4 and 1.28GB on Xbox One.

The headline new feature is that you can play as Geralt of Rivia in a brand new mission.

“Play as Geralt of Rivia and take on a new special assignment!” reads a Capcom post. “Go on a quest containing RPG elements from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and solve mysteries as an expert monster slayer for hire!”

Titled Trouble in the Ancient Forest, the mission is said to have different endings depending on your progression through the side objectives. Fortunately, you can try the quest as many times as you like, so you can fully experiment with the various objectives.

The mission pits players against the Leshen, which is able to control flora and fauna to deadly effect.

Needless to say, you’ll unlock a host of rewards for completing the mission, including the Witcher’s Silver Sword, Nekker armour for your Palico and much more.

You can check out the Monster Hunter World update 6.00 patch notes below…

Regarding Guild Cards

• Certain poses and expressions cannot be selected when using a full armor set or layered armor related to the Horizon Zero Dawn* or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt collaborations.

• If you have these poses or expressions already selected, please note that they will revert back to the default “Crossed Arms” pose and “Expression 1” expression.

Player-related Bug Fixes

• A bug has been fixed where a mantle’s effect duration would count down if the player had it equipped while in an idle state, or equipped with one of the following weapons drawn: Switch Axe (Sword Mode), Charge Blade (Axe Mode), Light Bowgun, or Heavy Bowgun.

PS4 Users:

• A bug has been fixed that allowed players to use an item unintentionally. When a weapon is drawn, players can either press Square two times to sheathe their weapon and consume an item, or hold down Square once to do both actions consecutively. However, if the Dash Settings are changed to allow running by using both the L3 and R1 buttons, players could use an item unintentionally if they held down the L3 button while tapping the Square button. This has been fixed so that tapping the Square button will not consume an item if the player is holding down a dash button.

• Note: This issue does not occur if Dash Settings are set to allow running using only the R1 button. If your Dash Settings are set to L3, this bug occurred when holding down the R1 button and tapping the Square button, but has also been fixed.

Xbox One Users:

• A bug has been fixed that allowed players to use an item unintentionally. When a weapon is drawn, players can either press the X button two times to sheathe their weapon and consume an item, or hold down the X button once to do both actions consecutively. However, if the Dash Settings are changed to allow running by using both the LS and RB buttons, players could use an item unintentionally if they held down the LS button while tapping the X button. This has been fixed so that tapping the X button will not consume an item if the player is holding down a dash button.

• Note: This issue does not occur if Dash Settings are set to allow running using only the RB button. If your Dash Settings are set to LS, this bug occurred when holding down the RB button and tapping the X button, but has also been fixed.

• A bug has been fixed that caused the Speed Crawler effect to stop working properly after update Ver. 5.21 (PS4) / (Xbox One). It is now working as intended.

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