Kickstarter Project: ILLFROST – A 5TH Edition Campaign Setting


Illusionary Press is a publisher of tabletop RPG products and supplements.  Their signature line, Illfrost, uses the 5th Edition rules from the world’s greatest role-playing game.

The goal of this Kickstarter is to allow for the publication of the 5E line of Illfrost products. This will include the Illfrost Quick Start Guide, and adventure modules Illfrost Bondage, Illfrost Retribution, and Illfrost Tyrus.

The Illfrost Campaign Setting is a gritty adventure path embodying the classic struggle between good and evil.  It is designed to start players at 1st level and allow them to advance as they take on each adventure.  The Game Master will manage unique races, religions, and rules on a frigid continent that will challenge players with its brutal environment, dangerous foes, and unimaginable horrors.  Illfrost is not intended to be a hopeful setting, but rather a world filled with malice and dread, in which the players must rise as heroes and battle against the sinister forces threatening civilization.

Over one hundred years ago, the kingdoms of mankind nearly faced extinction as they were driven from the western continent of Morithir by the war machine of Nedred, the Destroyer.  They fled by ship to the east and landed on the recently discovered continent of Lannithir, where each nation reestablished its domain.  In the century that’s passed since the crossing, these four kingdoms have seen their share of struggle and conflict but have managed to survive and prosper.  Through their continued expansion, many ancient ruins have been discovered from a time long past.   Within one of these ruins, an expedition of explorers unintentionally released an unspeakable horror.  A dread so malevolent that the ancients themselves imprisoned it over a thousand years ago.  This evil has a name: Necrath, the Ice Duke.

Since this scourge was loosed upon the land, strange and violent events have occurred. Sinister books and scrolls of the dark arts have been discovered, twisting the minds of those foolish enough to read them.  Raiding parties of war-like humanoids have struck out from the mountains and wreaked havoc and destruction upon the colonists, followed by a full-scale invasion led by a mighty race of giants.  An alliance of the kingdoms was formed, and for two blood-soaked years, they stood against this threat but continued to yield ground as the enemy advanced.  Low on reinforcements and morale, the alliance came to the ironic realization that they had escaped utter ruin in the West, only to be annihilated a century later here in the East.  Just when all hope was thought to be lost, a mysterious army appeared on the battlefield and swiftly attacked the enemy’s flank.  This allowed the alliance time to rally and drive the invaders back into the mountains.  When the fighting had ended, the mysterious army was nowhere to be seen, thus creating a great legend.

It’s been seven years since the war ended, and the kingdoms of men have slowly been recovering from their staggering losses.  All would appear to be calm for now.  But appearances are deceiving, for deep within the mountains, that same evil so recently released is stirring again.


The purpose of the Quick Start Guide is to allow the GM to jump right into the game world of Illfrost with minimal preparation.  Within these pages, you will find enough resources to give your players the information they need to create their characters and backgrounds confidently.  You’ll learn about Olam’s history, lands, and peoples, the great kingdoms of Lannithir, and their respective pantheons of worship.  Finally, you will learn the true source of benign power, as well as the source of evil that threatens to destroy it.


Illfrost Bondage is the first module in the Illfrost Campaign Setting adventure path and is designed for 1st-level PCs.  They will quickly be introduced to this harsh setting as they start as slaves aboard an enemy ship.  Next, they will be transported to a secret island conducting a slave trade enterprise where they are to be sold.  A narrow window of opportunity will be presented for the PCs to turn the table on their captors and escape.  If they miss it, there is a good chance they will remain enslaved until another such opportunity presents itself.  After all, this is Illfrost, where there is no mercy.

Once freed, the PCs will be stranded on the island with no knowledgeable means of escape.  The freezing temperature will force them to investigate nearby ruins in search of warmth and equipment.  Once inside, they will be confronted by the slavers in a series of encounters and slowly acquire the essential items they need, such as arms and armour.  It should be noted that this is no ordinary ruined building.  Over a thousand years ago, it was a temple dedicated to the living god, Er.  Inside lies a hidden sanctuary, where any good-aligned PC may come to know the will of Er, who seeks champions to take up his cause.

If the PCs are victorious in defeating the slavers, the other slaves held captive here for auction may be rescued.  Ultimately, a pursuing squadron of allied ships will arrive, transporting the PCs and freed slaves from the island.  This will set up and lead directly into the second adventure of the Illfrost Campaign Setting, Illfrost Retribution.


Illfrost Retribution is the second chapter in the Illfrost Campaign Setting adventure path and is intended to run as the sequel to Illfrost Bondage After their victory on Claw Isle, the PCs should have advanced to the 2nd-level.  Now that Tuanna has commissioned them to help investigate the slave stockade, the PCs will board a warship and sail to their destination. What isn’t known to them at this point is that the stockade also garrisons a large force of Wittershin warriors.  If all goes according to plan, the PCs will have to assault the island, infiltrate the stockade, and rescue as many slaves as possible.  This will ultimately lead them to the dungeons under the compound, where a surprise awaits them, as does an ancient monstrosity.  This exciting adventure will conclude with a full-scale allied amphibious raid upon the stockade.  If successful, this will lead them directly into the third adventure of the Illfrost Campaign Setting, Illfrost Tyrus.


Adventure modules of this calibre are difficult to create and Illusionary Press has chosen its artists, designers, and cartographers with great care. The quality of Jonathan Roberts’ cartography is second to none. He is the cartographer for Game of Thrones after all! And the artwork of Chris Quilliams is unmatched.

One of the greatest challenges Illusionary Press face is the cost of securing such high-quality contributors to bring you the best products possible. Producing such a unique campaign setting and maintaining the quality throughout the adventure line is difficult from a creation, layout, graphic design, cartography, and artwork standpoint. Not to mention the printing and binding process needed to produce the hardback copies of the product line. In order to do this, they must find a printer with the knowledge and capabilities to execute books of this size and have them look polished and professional, something they take great pride in.

This will cost more than the usual printing so Kickstarter becomes essential in raising enough capital to give these books the quality they demand and deserve. Illusionary Press are confident that with a successful Kickstarter they can bring these products to you as a great resource for your gaming enjoyment.

There is so much more to this Kickstarter including custom miniature tokens for VTT, Digital maps, Custom Hero Forge Wittershin Miniatures and more, so be sure to drop by their crowdfunding campaign for more details. Pledges start from as little as $1. For a full breakdown of rewards available for backing this project visit their Kickstarter page.


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