Hands On: Should You Buy Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker’s Special Episode DLC?


    Just yesterday, Nintendo released the full DLC package for Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker on Switch and – being the ever helpful folks that we are – we thought we’d give it a go and share our findings with you lovely lot.

    The DLC, called ‘Special Episode’ contains 18 new challenges (some new, some remixes of old) among five new courses. There’s a nice variety here – as mentioned in our video above, one minute you’ll be taking a ride on a haunted train full of ghosts, and the next you’ll be exploring a sweet and sugary world. We’re also incredibly pleased to discover that Nintendo has squeezed in another minecart level. Thank you!

    Providing players with another three hours or so of gameplay is great in our view, and it’s full of all the charm present in the main game, although we did feel that the DLC might be slightly too biased towards co-op play on the whole. For some, this will be a bonus, but it might cause just a touch of frustration for solo players. We explain all in the video.

    If you like what you see, you can grab the DLC from the eShop right now for £5.39 / $5.99, and it’s also available in a bundle with the main game if you don’t own that yet. We’d argue that it’s definitely worth a go if you’ve enjoyed the main experience, and especially if you like playing with a friend.

    What do you think? Have you already tried it? Will you be giving it a go? Let us know in the comments.

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