Gotham Knights: How to Unlock Heroic Travel for All Characters


Unlocking Heroic Travel will enable players to traverse Gotham City better in Gotham Knights, and here’s how to unlock these abilities.

Gotham Knights see players step into the shoes of Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood as they seek to defend Gotham City in the wake of Batman’s death. To do so, players will spend a lot of time in the streets of Gotham City, fighting crime, seeking out collectables, and progressing the story.

Gotham Knights players will begin the game with access to the grapple and the batcycle, but each has its own pros and cons when it comes to traversing the city. They can unlock fast travel at one point, which helps a lot, but the game also features a feature known as Heroic Travel. These methods make each character’s traversal method unique. In some scenarios, these options are better, but they depend on the location, the context, and of course, the character. However, the game isn’t exactly forthcoming when it comes to unlocking Heroic Travel, which this guide details.

Gotham Knights: How to Unlock Heroic Travel (Knighthood Challenges)

To unlock Heroic Travel, players need to complete Knighthood Challenges. This is a multi-step task that players will have to finish for each character; progress on the Knighthood challenge does not carry over from Batgirl to Robin, for example. Heroic Travel, luckily, is unlocked by completing the first task of the Knighthood set. This means Gotham Knights players will need to complete the following, as they are the same challenges, with each character:

  • Complete Timed Strike Training (via the Training Dummy in the Belfry)
  • Defeat Minibosses (unlocked via gameplay)
  • Complete 10 Premeditated Crimes (marked across Gotham City and unlocked by completing spontaneous crimes and interrogating enemies).

Once this is completed, players will need to return to Gotham Knights‘ Belfry and interact with the Batman Memorial. They will then be able to use their Heroic Travel ability during their next patrol of Gotham City. When airborne, they’ll simply need to hold the right trigger to activate the ability.

Gotham Knights Heroic Travel: How to Unlock/Use Batgirl’s Cape Glide

Once the above is completed as Batgirl, players will be able to glide from point to point using her cape. This is very similar to the Batman: Arkham games and is the simplest in terms of function within Gotham Knights‘ gameplay. Players can unlock these in any order, but they will need to make sure that each challenge, including the training, is completed with Batgirl.

Gotham Knights Heroic Travel: How to Unlock/Use Robin’s Slideways Teleporter

Robin figures out how to use the Justice League teleport and “slideways” across the city once these Gotham Knights challenges are completed. Robin’s is perhaps the most complex to use. When in the air, players will need to hold the right trigger and Robin will turn into a little blue light. Players will have about 8 seconds or so to select their destination, where Robin will appear once again.

Gotham Knights Heroic Travel: How to Unlock/Use Nightwing’s Glider

Nightwing’s Glider operates much like Batgirl’s Cape Glide, if a little more modular. Once in the air, players will just need to hold the right trigger and Nightwing’s Glider will pop up. Players will be able to direct it, go up in the air, and a little more. It’s a little more versatile than the Cape Glide, but more or less the same.

Gotham Knights Heroic Travel: How to Unlock/Use Red Hood’s Mystical Leap

Jason Todd struggles with his resurrection throughout Gotham Knights, but completing this challenge sees him channel some power gained from the Lazarus Pit. Red Hood’s Mystical Leap lets him jump from point to point, essentially jumping from a grapple again but with less mileage gained with each leap.

For more Gotham Knights check out our recent Gotham Knights Review post.

Gotham Knights is released on October 21 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.


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