Ghostwire: Tokyo – Kamio Shrine Tanuki Location


The Kamio Shrine Tanuki is disguised as a big red Daruma doll, but finding its exact location may still be tricky for some Ghostwire: Tokyo players.

Like most other modern sandbox games, Ghostwire: Tokyo has a fair amount of side quests and collectables for players to get lost in outside of the game’s main story missions. One such side quest can be found early on in the game and sees players being given an unusual task by a talking Tanuki.

Boss Tanuki will give Ghostwire: Tokyo players the “Tanuki Hunt” side mission, which requires them to track down 25 Tanuki that the boss has lost track of. He’ll inform them that due to the Visitor invasion, the Tanuki have disguised themselves as inanimate objects to avoid detection. It is then up to Akito and KK to discern their disguises and reveal the Tanuki hiding throughout Shibuya. Fortunately for players, their disguises are unable to mask their furry tails, which still extend from the Tanuki no matter what object they are disguised as.

How to Find Tanuki in Ghostwire: Tokyo

There are many viable methods for finding Tanuki in Ghostwire: Tokyo. First, the player is able to use the Spectral Vision ability, which will highlight every object that is interactive in the player’s immediate vicinity, including any hidden Tanuki. The player is also able to locate various dogs and cats that wander the streets and alleys and read their thoughts, which will often reveal clues about the whereabouts of any Tanuki hiding nearby, if applicable.

Alternatively, players can find the exact location of a Tanuki by using an Offering Box. If they donate the maximum amount (500 Meika), the exact location of the Tanuki will be revealed on the map. However, players should keep in mind that this will only work for a Tanuki within the respective border. There’s also a short cooldown on offering boxes.

How to Find the Kamio Shrine

The Kamio Shrine is a bit of a hassle to clear, so players should make sure they go in prepared with enough consumables and Ether to hold their own. Once the torii gate is clear and the player cleanses it, they will have access to the area ahead, and thus, the Tanuki hiding therein.

There is an Offering Box available, but players shouldn’t need to use it. They should instead head southwest from the shrine marker, where they should eventually run into a Netsuke Collector Nekomata. If the player goes across the street and into the shrine to the immediate left, they should find an inconspicuous red Daruma with a tail poking out from its behind. Upon interacting with it, the Tanuki will be revealed, and it will provide the player with some dialogue related to the quest. Like other Tanuki in Ghostwire: Tokyo, it will also provide players with 100 XP as well as the “Sit 2” emote.

Ghostwire: Tokyo is available now for PS5 and PC.


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