Forspoken: Every Cloak & How to Get Them


There are 25 cloaks in Forspoken, each with its own unique effects. Here’s how to find them all and which ones are the most useful for Frey in combat.

With more than 70 pieces of gear available in total, Forspoken allows players to experiment with some pretty unique builds. However, the most important component of any setup is arguably Frey’s cloak, which, as well as boosting players’ Health, Stamina, and Defense stats, can also provide them with some pretty unique effects.

Finding the best cloaks in Forspoken can make the game a lot easier, though, with 25 of them to choose from (27 including preorder bonuses), it can be difficult for players to know which cloak will best complement their playstyle. To help with this, information about every cloak in Forspoken can be found down below, including where to find them and what effects they grant.

How to Get Every Cloak in Forspoken

NameEffect(s)How to Unlock
Hooded CloakNoneUnlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of Forspoken
Pelerine CloakCritical Hits Can Restore HealthTrade For One Poppet in Cipal
Stranith CloakDebuffs on Self Recover More QuicklyTrade For One Poppet in Cipal
Valorous CloakSurge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted When Cuff BlocksComplete the Ligare Village in The Guardians’ Way area of Praenost
Dauntless CloakDamage Taken When Cuff Blocks is ReducedComplete the Brass Cavern Cave in the Brass Hollow area of Praenost
Unstoppable CloakAttack Magic Triggered during Parkour Deals Extra DamageReduced Damage When LandingComplete the Militis Academy in The Mustering Ground area of Praenost
Judicious CloakImmune to DazingComplete the Gyuzel Village in The Water Garden area of Avoalet
Faultless CloakImproved Critical Hit Rate When HP Is HighComplete the Molybdos Guild in The Untrodden Forest area of Avoalet
Infallible CloakRecovering from Defenselessness Boosts Surge Magic Recharge RateFlow Effect Lasts LongerComplete the Kabosharr Village in the Golden Hills area of Avoalet
Audacious CloakDamage Reduced When Cuff Blocks and Frey Has Full StaminaComplete the Ruins of Mercador in the Visorian Plateau area of Visoria
Boundless CloakAttack Magic Triggered during Parkour Boosts Surge Magic Recharge RateComplete the Redclaw Cavern Cave in the Academy Hills area of Visoria
Unsurpassable CloakStamina Boosts When Cuff Makes a Last-Chance BlockImproved Stamina Recovery SpeedComplete the Niccoline Guild in the South Plateau area of Visoria
Gracious CloakDefense Boost When Healing Item is UsedComplete the Bhulna Villa in the Physic Garden area of Junoon
Fearless CloakHealth Restored When Enemy DefeatedComplete the Oxys Guild in the Farcoast Terrace area of Junoon
Incomparable CloakEvading Piercing Attacks with Parkour Restores HealthFlow Speed IncreasedComplete the Forbidden Meadow in the Harvest Lands area of Junoon. To gain access to the meadow, players will need to complete the nearby Altar of Aasaan
Lief CloakPoison Damage Halved When Health Is LowComplete Locked Labyrinth: Barrier in The Guardians’ Way area of Praenost
Puissant CloakEnemy Numbers Boost Surge Magic Recharge RateComplete Locked Labyrinth: Cliff in The Citadel area of Praenost
Divers CloakIncreased Damage When Health Is FullComplete Locked Labyrinth: Hill in The Blessed Plains area of Junoon
Fain CloakCritical Hit Rate Boosted for Distant FoesSurge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted for Distant FoesComplete Locked Labyrinth: Mountain in The Fountainfields area of Avoalet
Bonifate CloakCritical Hit Rate Boosted When Surge Magic is ChargedCritical Hits Can Poison EnemiesComplete Locked Labyrinth: Field in the Humble Plain area of Visoria
Whilom CloakSupport Magic Critical Hit Rate BoostedSupport Magic Recharges More Quickly When Health is FullComplete Locked Labyrinth: West in the Visorian Plateau area of Visoria
Monsterful CloakCuff Counters Can Boost AttackCuff Counters Can Boost DefenseCuff Counters Can Trigger Auto-HealComplete Locked Labyrinth: Forest in The Wolfwoods area of Junoon
Forfend CloakLower Casting Frequency Boosts DamageLower Casting Frequency Boosts Surge Magic Recharge RateLower Casting Frequency Boosts Critical Hit RateHealth Restored When Enemy DefeatedComplete Locked Labyrinth: Castle in the Cipalian Way area of Junoon
Veriment CloakDamage Boosted When Health Is Very LowSurge Magic Recharge Rate Boosted When Health Is Very LowCritical Hit Rate Boosted When Health Is Very LowStamina Recharge Rate Boosted When Health Is Very LowComplete Locked Labyrinth: North in the Visorian Isthmus area of Visoria
Unbroken CloakCritical Hits Absorb Enemy HealthCritical Hits Boost Surge Magic Recharge RateCuff Counters Improve Surge Magic Recharge RateCraftable after purchasing the Sewing Kit item from the Curiosity Shop in Inner Visoria for 64 Old Coins. It requires 3 Fluteblossoms, 3 Bumbershoots, and 3 Lucid Garlands
No Limits CloakAttack Boosted When Healing Item UsedPS5 Preorder Bonus
Elite CloakAttack Boosted When Healing Item UsedPC Preorder Bonus

Which is the Best Cloak in Forspoken?

The best cloak in Forspoken will likely vary from player to player, depending on both their skill level and their play style. Players who are calm and calculated in their approach to combat will likely find the Forfend cloak to be the best option, though if they don’t tend to use Surge Magic that often, the Bonifate cloak may also be appealing. For those who focus more on defense and dodging, the Incomparable and Veriment cloaks should come in handy.

As players head toward the end-game, however, the Unbroken cloak becomes very difficult to ignore, particularly when paired with the Spectrum Nail Design (unlocked by defeating the Deinosuchus Abomination in the Moulderings area of Avoalet) and the Balle Balle Necklace (unlocked by completing The Place of Prayer in The Sacred Peaks area of Junoon). This Critical Hit focussed build can be deadly in the right hands and makes the Unbroken one of the very best cloaks in Forspoken.

Forspoken is available now on PS5 and PC.


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