Fallout 76 maintenance: Server status latest as Bethesda game down on PS4, Xbox One, PCs | Gaming | Entertainment


Fallout 76 is down right now with servers for the Bethesda game offline on PS4, Xbox One and PCs.

Fallout 76 went down at 2pm UK time today and Bethesda said they anticipated the PS4, Xbox One and PC game will be down for “several hours”.

The Bethesda Support Twitter posted: “@Fallout 76 is undergoing maintenance on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Please check http://bethesda.net/status for more information.”

While in a recent post online Fallout 76 community manager Valseek said: “Fallout 76 is still offline for maintenance as we roll out the adjustments mentioned below.

“We’ll continue to keep you updated as today’s maintenance continues. Thank you!”

The post previously said: “We’re planning to bring Fallout 76 offline for maintenance around 9:00 a.m. EST on February 14, and anticipate that downtime will last several hours.

During this time, we’re planning to remove items that have been created through duplication exploits from player inventories and stashes.

“These item removals are part of our ongoing efforts to address exploit abuse and make positive changes for the overall in-game economy. These removals are highly-targeted at a specific list of items.

Players who have used an exploit to dupe items, or acquired duped items from other players, may find those items removed from their accounts once maintenance is complete.

It’s also important to note that only a small percentage of accounts currently have duped items, which means the vast majority of players will not be affected by this action.

Additionally, during downtime, we’re going to roll out a server-side fix to reduce the frequency that players might experience disconnects from game servers.

“We’ll post a follow-up thread with more details once tomorrow’s maintenance is complete.”

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