Exoprimal’s existing seasonal content will begin rotating from July.
Capcom’s dinosaur shooter Exoprimal is set to enter seasonal rotation mode from mid-July 2024, as all planned seasons for the game have concluded. In an update, Capcom thanked players for checking out Exoprimal, and confirmed its fourth season will be its last.
After the current season wraps up on 11 July, the game’s first season will begin again, with each month featuring a past season, on a rotating basis. Season Passes for the first three chapters in the game will go on sale again shortly, with players able to hop in to obtain any items and rewards they missed when these seasons debuted. Capcom has confirmed that player progression from any given season will be carried over, with players able to pick up from where they left off.
Per the timetable laid out, Season 1 will kick off in mid-July, and will be replaced by Season 2 in August 2024. This will be followed by the return of Season 3 in September, and Season 4 in October. November will see the second return of Season 1, and the cycle will continue from there.
Is Exoprimal shutting down?
Capcom has stressed that despite these changes, Exoprimal will continue to be supported, with online services set to be available for the foreseeable future. Certain modes will be tweaked – Savage Gauntlet will no longer be tabulated after Trial 41, for example – but they will all remain available to play.
“All gameplay modes will remain available to play. This includes the main Dino Survival mode, as well as endgame content such as Savage Gauntlet and Time Loop Rebellion,” Capcom confirmed. “If you’re playing alone or match with only a few other players, Bots (AI-controlled Exofighters) will still be added so that you can fully enjoy the Hammerheads’ story and reach the ending.”
“The Exoprimal team appreciates your interest and support, and we hope to see you in the wargame!”
Given Exoprimal launched less than a year ago, in late July 2023, the sudden end of new seasonal content is fairly surprising. That said, it’s fair to note that many new live service games have struggled to foster a loyal, supportive audience in recent times, as there are so many options, and so little time and money.
Exoprimal was also put in the unique position of not being a new Dino Crisis game. For years, players have called for the return of Capcom’s horror-adventure Dino Crisis franchise, and when Exoprimal was announced, it was dogged by a sense of disappointment for not being that.
It’s likely this factor, combined with a tough live service market, contributed to lower than anticipated performance for the game. After four seasons of content, Exoprimal is now being wrapped up – and while service will remain live for now, there’s likely a future where the game is sent offline permanently.
For now, those keen to keep playing will be well-supported – although it does feel like there’s now a cloud hanging over the game. Stay tuned for a future update on what’s next for Exoprimal.

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By Leah J. Williams 8 July 2024