Dying Light, the parkour and zombie-based action survival horror developed by Techland has turned four years old.
Released in 2015, the game has seen nearly 16 million unique players pick up and play Dying Light. As a result the anniversary will be celebrated with an in-game event which will allow players to obtain double XP points. In addition, legacy items that were previously unavailable will be given away, such as the Rocket League Buggy Skin.
“The last four years have brought not only Dying Light, but also the whole company to a whole new level – our development and publishing teams have grown in people whose passion directly shows in our games,” said Techland CEO, Paweł Marchewka. “Those talented team members and our dedicated community are a huge part of Techland’s DNA and have inspired us to keep Dying Light alive and running for so long.”
An anniversary video has been created as well, highlighting the game’s ongoing appeal as described by its fans.
For more information and the latest updates on Dying Light, don’t forget to check the game’s website.