Apex Legends dataminers recently uncovered reference to Octane and even details of their abilities. Octane’s ultimate, for example, is supposedly the Launch Pad – a deployable jump pad that catapults users through the air.
Which also means that this leak from yesterday from a playtesting / QA session was correct. Which *also* means that my Stimpack and Jump Pad leaks from last month were also correct. pic.twitter.com/NJrnmgdO3A
— Shrugtal (@shrugtal) March 1, 2019
Respawn is clearly having a bit of fun with the Apex Legends community by placing launch pads in the map. These launch pads do exactly what they say on the tin: they catapult players through the air.
Octane+Pathfinder is going to be fun as hell from r/apexlegends
After players spotted the launch pads and took to Apex Legends’ subreddit to express their excitement, a Respawn developer replied with the winking face emoji.
The upshot of all this is Octane, Apex Legends’ season one and battle pass feel imminent. Something for Monday next week, perhaps?