Anthem gets Neill Blomkamp-directed live-action short called Conviction •


The EA marketing machine is in full effect: BioWare has a Neill Blomkamp-directed live-action short called Conviction.

The film goes live on 14th February, but there’s a brief teaser in the video below.

Blomkamp, director of District 9, Elysium and Chappie, has form when it comes to live-action video game short films. He created the super cool Halo Landfall live-action short based on Bungie’s Halo series, and he was even down to direct a Halo movie before it fell apart.

Conviction is set decades before the beginning of the game, EA said. Here’s the official blurb:

“In the short, people will see the player city of Fort Tarsis in the game come to life, and the freelancers that live within it. These freelancers who use Javelin exosuits, have been re-created by Neill’s team to show them in live action as they fight off the main villain and head of the evil Dominion faction, the Monitor.”

As for Anthem itself, it’s due out 22nd February on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, although there are various ways to play it earlier than that.

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